Ignunce II

I mentioned I recently joined my space. Well, so far not bad. However, as is prone to happen, ignunce rears it’s ugly head. I got this lovely email from a rather unattractive out-of-shape female today. In her defense, her intelligence is matched only by her beauty…

I am sorry that you are gay. You are good looking and woman would probably be all over you!!!I dont understand it my self cause I LOVE MEN. What a waste!!!!

My first response was to slice her to bits but what would that solve? Anyone stupid enough to send such a comment isn’t firing all 4 cylinders anyway. Instead, I politely advised her not to start conversations w/total strangers w/insults. I doubt she understood what I meant though.

7 thoughts on “Ignunce II”

  1. Your absolutly right, she won’t get it. Makes me wonder how some people function in our society.

  2. LOL I hope Jeff was being sarcastic! Bad sex with a man still trumps any sex with a woman – for me personally. (Still like the good sex with a man more though 🙂 )

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