Coffee, Tea, or Me?

*this was written while on the plane home and it’s a long one…*

I’m out of movies on the flight. What better time to catch up on some blogging eh?

While I was out at Ranch Moby (catchy ain’t it? teehee), we went to see my dad’s grave. This is the first time I’ve actually been to the grave. If you remember I didn’t go back for the funeral since I’d just gotten back to SF from seeing him when he passed. After discovering they still haven’t put a gravestone up yet, I was more than a little mad. It’s been over a year and still no gravestone. As expected, the unity we found after dad’s death has evaporated. Both of the older siblings have stopped sending my little brother money. I told my little brother to start looking for one and get it installed. Even if means paying for it all by myself. I may not have been overly close to my father but this is just plain disrespectful. I find it ironic the one son who has the least reason to look after his affairs is the one making sure they are carried out. Ain’t that a pisser?

My brother is also going thru some domestic issues. I offered him my heart felt advice and it seems he actually took it. He texted me this afternoon saying he stood up for himself. Course, he also implied that meant the relationship was over. I’m proud of him either way. I only mention it as I am heartened to know, gay or straight, there are some experiences that crosses the divide and can be shared between us. It made me feel that much closer to him.

I also took a survey of the land and my youngest sibling is right. It is falling into disarray. The tractor was repossessed because the other 2 brothers have stopped making their share of the payments. The good news is it was in my dad’s name so it won’t fuck up my little brother’s credit. I’m too far away to be much physical help. Of course, this only serves to make me feel guilty. Especially, since we were originally supposed to spend my visit replacing a barbed wire fence. A fence in much need of replacing. I compromised. I told him I’d come back in October/November when the weather was cooler and we’d get it all done in one week. We’ll have to get some help. Fifty acres is too much for the two of us even if we had a tractor. Luckily enough, he and I both have friends that will pitch in. We’ll pay’em of course but they’d do it for free.

We did manage to get a chunk of the outstanding legal paperwork finished though. We just need my oldest brother to sign his piece and we are all done. The county will issue new deeds to all of us in our respective names. Oddly, I feel responsible for the land now. I never really felt that before. I guess since dad’s gone and it really is mine now, it’s started to sink in. I don’t have any real plans for my piece other than to hold onto it as equity. Maybe by the time I retire it will be worth a sizeable chunk of money that can be added to my playtime. Hehehe My dad wanted us to keep it together. And for my part, I will honor that. But, knowing my clan the way I do, I don’t expect it to stay that way forever. Eventually, one or the other will get bitter or in debt and sell a piece off. Mark my words.
The only downer to all of this is I have to start paying taxes on my 12 acres. It’s nothing compared to California but it makes one more bill to add to the list. Yet, this particular bill I don’t mind paying.
The plane is getting to land and I’m getting dirty looks from the flight crew so I guess I should put the laptop away. Don’t you fret, plenty more for me to go on about.

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