Ugh! II

Sometimes, I let my mouth run away w/me. Tonight, was case and point. I was catching up on my blogrolling and, as usual, Dunner always seems to come up w/engaging topics. One particular post was about the dangers of meth use vs the staggering deaths from legal tobacco and alcohol consumption. It is no secret I am anti-drug all the way. I’m usually of the mindset “all things in moderation” but, that does not apply when dealing w/deadly addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol AND meth. I lost it after this particular response . . .

You’re so neo-prohibitionist it’s disgusting. How can you honestly take the stance that you’re pro-sexual freedom and then rant and rave about fucking tobacco and alcohol use? How is your desire to restrain others right to put what they want into their body different from fundamentalists trying to legislate away your right to put a cock in your ass or mouth? Tobacco and alcohol don’t lead to increases in HIV and meth use does. Long-term use of meth carries far more fatal side effects than a beer or a ciggie every now and then, yet you focus on an increasingly more absurd “war” against tobacco. What’s next, a ban on outdoor smoking? Or better yet lets follow the wonderful example of the 30 year “war on drugs” and ban it entirely. That’s just what this country needs more of, banned substances.

Excuse me? I was so stunned I had to read it twice to make sure I read it correctly. Rather than tie up Dunner’s blog (as I tend to do), I thought I’d bring it home and blather to my hearts content.

How is your desire to restrain others right to put what they want into their body different from fundamentalists trying to legislate away your right to put a cock in your ass or mouth?

Well let’s see, putting my cock in someone else’s ass, does not in itself, cause any lasting harm to either party. With the arrival of AIDS and super resistant ghonorrhea, etc, it certainly is riskier. However, if we plan on outlawing consensual sex, it should apply to both hetero- and homo- sexuals equally. And the “fundies” don’t care so much about harm as much as they do enforcing their own twisted propaganda.

Tobacco and alcohol don’t lead to increases in HIV and meth use does. Long-term use of meth carries far more fatal side effects than a beer or a ciggie every now and then, yet you focus on an increasingly more absurd “war” against tobacco.

While tobacco may not lead to increases in HIV, unless you are “dipping” there is no way you can indulge your habit outside your own home w/o polluting the airspace around you. Air space, I’m most often forced to endure. Are you so far removed from mainstream society that you have forgotten that alcohol has been repeatedly linked to an increase in risky behavior due to lowered inhibitions. And what about all the deaths caused from drunk drivers? I guess those don’t count because they aren’t related to HIV transmission and meth is.

Long-term use of meth carries far more fatal side effects than a beer or a ciggie every now and then

True, meth is a very insidious and destructive drug. It was recently discovered your body actually produces antibodies to meth. These means you must continually increase the dosage to get the same affects. No arguement there. But numbers don’t lie. Alcohol and tobacco related deaths far outnumber deaths caused by meth. Just because it is “legal’ does not mean it’s good for us. Nor should we as a society stand idly by why thousands die every year from ‘legal’ drugs.

But some reverse thinking might be in good order here. After all, if we remove all the “frivilous bans” on tobacco, alcohol, and meth, let’s go all the way. Let’s make everyone personally responsible for their actions. By that, I mean if you willfully choose to self-destruct, then I am not obligated to contribute or pay for your illness, treatment, and/or eventual death. That means no more insurance coverage for smoking or alcohol related illnesses. Think of all the money we’ll save. Why, we could divert those funds to so many other needy folks!

Such comments are foolish and hypocritical. Hopefully, my sarcasm has shown that to be the case. If not, I promise not to say ‘I told you so’ at your funeral.

4 thoughts on “Ugh! II”

  1. I have to agree with all points stated Moby! Well taken!!! Not the most thought out response from the individual who made the comment.

    Thanks for stopping by the ol’ blog.

    By the way, SLIDE screen of to the left, who is the guy with the short hair, sun glasses, and palid short? Damn good looking!

  2. I have a breathing impairment. I got it working in a bar. I’ve been told that I deserve the lung damage because I chose to work in a bar. What if the auto makers used the same logic. YOU WANT TO WORK IN AN AUTO PLANT, THEN YOU HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THE TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONS IN THE PLANT. Ya, ya, I hear you all moaning about smokers’ rights. Only difference is that nonsmokers’ rights won’t kill you.

  3. I agree with you Moby. And as I’m a 20 year smoker, I personally believe it should be outlawed. (But we do know prohibition doesn’t seem to work, if history is any source.) I quit smoking yesterday, and already feel my blood pressure go up, everytime I have to walk thru someone else’s cloud of smoke. NOTHING in life has been harder for me to let go of, then those damn cancer sticks! (And I gave up cocaine many many years ago, without a quarter of the stress and literal physical pain that giving up these cigs. seem to cause me.) This can’t be good. For anyone! Maybe if there was MORE of a stigma attached to smoking, if it wasn’t so readily available and legal on every street corner, if it was illegal to purchase, I believe it would be easier to let go of. But as I’m reminded whenever I go just about anywhere, of my addiction, I have attempted and failed to quit a half dozen times in the last five years.

    Oh and as far as your disagreeing commenter goes, what anyone does in their bedroom really isn’t something that should be legislated. STD’s are rampant in the heterosexual population as well as the homesexual population. It’s like trying to compare apples and oranges. I don’t see how this person could draw on comparison of tobacco with sex. Although I’ve enjoyed a cig. after good sex, the cig is far more likely to give me lung cancer than the sex.

    You made some excellent points Moby. 🙂

    We have a state wide ban of public smoking on the next ballot.(Arizona) I’m voting FOR the ban. At least I’ll have a little more of a fighting chance to quit these damn things if I don’t have to breathe in someone elses second-hand smoke, and I can’t light up when out and about either.


  4. Excellent points however sexual activity does have an impact on the environment. So each one of us contribute in our own way to the pending doom and disaster of ruining this planet. I don’t think it’s worth losing friendships or making enemies over especially. If I choose to smoke – it’s my damned business. I can try to do in in such a way as to not offend those around me. You can also walk around to avoid me. The impact of tobacco smoke is well known but only to the extent in which our small minds can wrap around it — just like thinking that there is minimal impact by anal sex, which by the way I enjoy especially if I can smoke afterwards. 🙂

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