Not No But Hell NO

I got dished today. Even harder than last time. Even moi gets kicked to the curb sometimes.

I’ve been seeing this guy around town for awhile now. At least a year. Usually in the gay ghetto or ghayto as I call it. Now my gaydar is pretty good but my nookie-dar is even better. But, I admit this guy had me a little stumped. He’d give me just enough signals to think he was interested but then he’d walk away. And for clarity, what I’d observed of said fella, I liked. I fancied him enough to consider asking him out. I know I know, God forbid I actually go on a date vs a booty call.

Today, I’m at Daddybucks catching up on some charity work. I see him as I enter and again w/the glances. As fate would have it, the only open seat was directly behind him just inside (he was outside). I sit down, setup, and start working. Every so often he literally turns far enough around to look at me. And the looks are coming fast and strong so I decide to return the favor. He is eating up. Then, status quo, he gets up and leaves. I’m miffed but not over annoyed at this point. Twenty minutes later he comes back. Not one glance this time. He spends a few minutes in conversation w/the bear congregation in front then comes inside. My first thought was he was coming over to say hi. Nay. He sits down w/this guy on the bench along the wall. Next to me but slightly to the back. I’m figuring he is using this as an excuse to get close enough to spark a conversation. Nay again fellow blogger. No, as it turns out he and this guy are “meeting” for the first time and a very intimate conversation ensues. Soon to be followed by some fumbling and petting.

At this point, I’m a little disgusted. I mean come on. Here you are going all gooey eyes for me and you turn and start rotating this guys crank right in front of me. I know I shouldn’t have been but I was pissed. After a few minutes, I packed up and left. (On a side note, this gave me the impetus to get my ass home to do laundry.)

So being a more than a little disappointed, it hasn’t ruined my mood. It’s been a hard couple of weeks and frankly, I don’t have time to let such nonsense ruin my day. However, I’m amazed at how fickle fags can be sometimes. I’m trying not to sound like a hypocrite here. I get around and it’s no secret I’m generous w/the nookie. However, I don’t “work” someone that hard and then switch to the next fella right in front of them!

Men. ba humbug Why couldn’t I have been a lesbian? (g)

7 thoughts on “Not No But Hell NO”

  1. Whenever I start feeling overly nostalgic about my 16 years in San Francisco, I read something like your latest post and all that nostalgia disappears as I’m faced with the cold, hard reality of life in San Francisco. I try to explain to people that living there isn’t ALWAYS like being in a gay Disneyland. The City brings out both the best–and worst–in our community, and on any given day it’s a crap shoot as to which face you’re going to encounter.

  2. Sounds like he wants it bad, but wants you to do a heavy chase and make the move. But, he seems so self absorbed that you would be better off walking on by next time you see him. But if you ever do hook up with him, split him in two and make him sorry he wasted all that time batting his eyes at you.

  3. Clean laundry trumps sexual frustration every time…unless you’re sexually frustrated while doing laundry. πŸ˜‰

  4. It confirms my theory that it is all about the validation of being wanted – but necessarily being had. A slight but distinct varition of the hunt is better than the kill.

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