Gay High Holy Day

Next to Gay Pride, the Folsom St. Fair is the biggest gay event of the year here in SF. It is also the 2nd largest source of event income for the city. Some call it a debacle others call it a glorious celebration of sexuality and leather. Whatever you call it, it delivers a massive turnout of gays from all over the world. Oddly enough, I’ll be able to attend this year.

Normally, I work the event w/BCC but since I resigned this week that won’t happen. In brief, too much drama and very little support. They don’t care so neither do I. It was a chore I used to love and now it’s become a major pain in my ass. Not only that, I discovered today they are getting way overcharged for their domain hosting account. I’ve been trying to get’em to switch for months and months. Maybe now they will listen. Of course, I don’t give a rats tooty anymore. It means one less thing on my plate so there is a small silver lining on this cloud.

Work is busy as hell. I’m on so many damn committees I can’t keep up. Not to mention, I started a newsletter. OY! I got very discouraged this week from people’s petty bitching but that is the nature of the beast so deal with it right? Lots of changes in the works, all good so far. Keep your fingers crossed.

Home life is no different. NO social life so nothing new to update there. My friend Trev from Houston is coming to visit for the Fair. I took the week off as originally I was involved w/work for three different charities over Folsom weekend. Now that I’ve resigned from BCC, I’ll have more time to spend w/him. I hope my karma can survive the hit. (kidding of course) It will be odd to actually attend the fair instead of working it for a change. I also heard a dirty rumor that is coming to town.

I found a good bid for a painter. He is supposed to finish the job just in time for my friends visit so I’m excited. Of course, this means I have to put the damn entertainment center together now. @#$%!

7 thoughts on “Gay High Holy Day”

  1. Have a great weekend at the Folsom St. Fair, Moby! πŸ™‚ It’s always good to take time for yourself once in a while….recharge your batteries.

  2. Well it’s good to hear some positive things may be happening at the work environment. Promise me you won’t have too much fun at FOLSOM (yah right!). I am hoping just an inkling that something might work out for me to get up to SF for it at the last minute. Know Mark from Zeitzeuge will be in town with his partner. And yes JoeMyGod is in town…rumor…hell he flat out asked you what you were doing for Folsom on your own blog. πŸ˜‰ hehehe! Onne of these days I’ll have the pleasure of meeting up with him, hell maybe in NYCity at GB-NY IV!

  3. Sorry you had to resign as I know the BCC was a big favorite or yours. I heard the same reasons from Betty after he resigned.

  4. Well, not everyone READS the comments Tony. hehehe. Some folks just come for the porn…oh wait, I don’t have any….*mental note* post more porn….

  5. Son of a Bitch… HOOK ME UP with Mr. June Brandon Clark. He is a short fucker like me. WOWZER! I need to gain 20+ pounds to get beefy like him. WOOF.

    Have fun at Folsom. I wish I was there. But I can only do so much traveling in a year before I run out of money. Take plenty pics of the hot guys! πŸ˜‰

  6. Son of a Bitch… HOOK ME UP with Mr. June Brandon Clark. He is a short fucker like me. WOWZER! I need to gain 20+ pounds to get beefy like him. WOOF.

    Have fun at Folsom. I wish I was there. But I can only do so much traveling in a year before I run out of money. Take plenty pics of the hot guys! πŸ˜‰

  7. Hey, if Moby is posting porn, it’d better be of himself. πŸ™‚ Something that shows why his jaw is sore after these SF street fairs.

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