Party’s Over

I’ve sorta been revelling in my new found free time lately. So much so I think I’m making myself sick. I woke up today w/a low grade fever and a sore throat1. I’ve been on the go all weekend. Sorta like the energizer bunny….going, going, and going. Well, this bunny is worn down. I know, my activities are lame compared to some peoples standards but I’m not into all that.

So today, I’m just taking it easy. I do have to get laundry and errands dones so just a low-key slow paced day to recover. I haven’t been eating very good lately either. While I love fast-food, I limit myself to one or two trips a week. Lately, it’s been my mainstay. Time to get back on track. I can’t very well expect results at the gym if I’m only cramming regular unleaded into my system. Nope, It’s Premium only for this body2.

In sort of related news, I joined Zip car today. My roommate uses them all the time so I figured I’d give it a try. If you aren’t familiar with it, basically, they have mini “stations” of cars all over the city3. You log on, reserve one, and then just go pick it up. They cover the gas, insurance, everything. Starting at $8.00 bucks an hour, it’s hard to beat. Especially, when you just need it for errands and don’t need a traditional 24 hour rental. In a city as dense as SF, it goes over well. I’m surprised it took me this long to try it. I’ll let you know how it goes. Today is my first rental for groceries.

The dating bug is biting at me again. I’m not sure why I’m so keenly aware of this part of my life right now. If you read w/any regularity, you know my feelings on dating. You also know my history at such attempts. I’m still puzzeling over this one so I’ll have to get back to you. I do know I’m not feeling the old “whats wrong w/me” pangs. I think I’ve finally grown beyond that. It’s hard to explain w/o having you inside my head. Anyway, once I puzzle it out, I’ll share it.

1 Nothing so glamorous as all night drinking benges or drugs. As if. Have you forgotten where I work?

2Ok, it was a cheesey reference. Shoot me already.

3 They have 3, count’em 3, within just a few blocks of my apartment. I may never order online for Safeway again. hehehehe

3 thoughts on “Party’s Over”

  1. I just don’t understand why you don’t have a boyfriend. I’m sure there are a slew of guys that would love to have you as a boyfriend, well a slew of bloggers at any rate. 😉

  2. I’ve heard a lot about those Zip cars lately. I might have to research that for future use when I am in the Bay area absent a car or for that matter elsewhere. Dating bug aye! When it bites it bite!!!

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