Gay or Straight

With all the news surrounding Haggard in the news right now, a striking revelation hit me. Why is it when bible-thumpers are preaching and bringing their damnation down upon us, we are predators. Yet, someone like Haggard comes out and it’s back to an affliction.

You constantly hear how we are trying to recruit or convert more people to our side1. If it were that easy to convert to being gay don’t you think you’d see a much higher success rate in the reverse? Brainwashing groups liked Exodus2claim” they can “cure you” of being gay3. Well, one of my best friends almost killed himself while in their program. Their “cure” is to teach you to hate the world and to hate yourself. Everything has a sinister purpose. You are taught to withdraw and cut yourself off from the world. How in the hell is that healthy? It’s no wonder so many drop out. Anyway, I’m getting off topic. So, it’s a choice. Yet, when someone as respected and widely known as Haggard comes out with “I have been warring against it for all of my adult life“, suddenly it’s not a choice anymore. Suddenly, it’s an affliction again. IMHO, It’s just more double-speak. Double-speak that seems to be taught like a 2nd lanuage when you are religious leader. I hate to admit it but I’m losing more and more respect for the “christian” community. I’ve always been one to “live and let live” however, there is a line approaching in the sand. A line that says “no more”. You can no longer use ignorance and fear to oppress people. And you can no longer hide behind your “religion” as an excuse to relegate whole sections of the population to 2nd class status. You can no longer use “religion” to keep women as slaves. You can no longer use “religion” as a shield to give you cart blance say over those around you.

There is a shift occurring in this country right now. More and more people are shifting away from mainstream religion. And it’s their own fault. Religion is dying not because of gays. It’s dying because its leaders have failed to evolve and keep up. Human beings don’t even relate to each other in the same ways anymore. You can’t use the threat of fire and brimstone to control the masses anymore. You can’t hide behind constant denial of the self. Mark my words. A day is coming and it’s coming soon. We are facing a holy war in this country. But not between the God and the devil. We are facing a war between ourselves. The “right” that allows us to spread hate and the “right” that refuse to put up with such behavior.

1 Forgetting for a moment, most gay children come from straight households.

2 I refuse to even link to such stupidity.

3 What they neglect to tell you is there obismal success rate.

12 thoughts on “Gay or Straight”

  1. I think you may be right. A Holy War is coming sooner or later. I just wish that the zealots would get their heads out of their asses and read the Bible more carefully… where in the New Testament does Jesus ever endorse hatred or discrimination… the only thing I remember reading about that is “He who is without sin cast the first stone…” More people should pay attention to that.

  2. Wow, Moby…really well-said. I think you are right on. It’s amazing how in the last 2000 years Christians have forgotten that the teachings of Jesus Christ were built around acceptance and loving one another.

  3. Timely post – last night’s American Dad had an amusing take on choosing to be gay (“How come I didn’t feel anything when I kissed you? I danced with you to Madonna! I must be gay!”). Hrm, people choose and switch religions all the time; I don’t know of anyone that’s chosen to be gay or straights.

    And recruiting; when I was college I was constantly approached by church goers trying to get me to join their church. The sleeziest were the ones who looked for people eating alone, try to befriend them and get them to go to their cult (err church) meetings so they’d have somewhere to fit along. But somehow I missed all the gay recruiters. (Damn!)

    And I’m sicked by the headline ‘Ousted pastor admits ‘sexual problem’. His only problem is trying to lie and cover up who he is. If he was smart, when he was founding his church he would have included full acceptance of gays into its foundation.

  4. You totally hit the nail on the head. Great post. A lot of gays are happy for these right wing revelations, which is understandable. Unfortunately, it also creates this view that to be gay is shameful and to be a predator. That is disturbing. You are right that religion will take a beating before some long over due changes occur.

  5. Moby ~ I hadn’t even thought of this until you pointed it out. Clearly, according to his own words, Mr. Haggard has been fighting against an innate part of his being. It does contradict traditional fundamentalist doctrine.

    However, I’m not so sure about the whole “holy war” concept. From my perspective, it seems that the fundamentalist churches are slowly starving the (formerly) mainstream Christian philosophy. I think it might be a very short-lived battle. The fundies are winning handidly.

  6. In my opinion, as a Roman Catholic, so often it seems that the Church really has very little to do with God and many Christians seem to forget to see the Christ in each of us. I can just imagine God, turning to His right, and saying, “Jesus Christ! What the hell are they doing down there? It’s been over 2000 years, can’t they get it right yet?!?” I imagine He’s pretty disappointed in us.

  7. Great post as always Moby. Like others said, you nailed something that I hadn’t really thought through yet. Thanks – you are still my hero. 🙂

  8. People who repress themselves, like Haggard, are bound to behave in strange and dysfunctional ways. Rather than just accept his nature, He casts himself as a victim, who is somehow struggling with his affliction. (And his followers are gullible enough to believe this nonsense.)

    It makes you wonder why someone would strap a bomb to his body and then detonate himself in order to kill other humans and consider this as an act of religious “sacrifice.”

    Ultimately any sort of organized Religion is dangerous — why is it that so many lives have been taken in the name of G-d, or Allah, or whomever? Why have so many of my friends have been abused, not only by pious parents, also but by the very clergy who demonize us with their religous “philosophy?”

    It’s time to stop the insanity: either doctrinal religion, like all other childhood superstitions, must end, or human kind surely will not survive.

  9. I read a really interesting book recently called “Letter to a Christian Nation,” by Sam Harris. It’s a short 100 page or so read (big type) that kind of echos your viewpoints and gives fodder as to why the conservative right (and more largely some other destrictive relgions of the world) create animosity, hate, etc.

    Despite its title it’s a light, enlightening and recommended read.

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