Bass Ackwards

I don’t know if I read it or dreamed it but I remembered someone discovering they’d put their underwear on backwards. I thought, “I never do that“.

Of course, that is the fallacy of saying never. I get to the gym today and discover…

…My underwear were on backwards. No one noticed but me. I do think I looked pretty funny suddenly bursting into laughter for no apparent reason though.

12 thoughts on “Bass Ackwards”

  1. Did you put them on like that at home, or did you maybe stop somewhere along the way and it happened when you put them back on?

  2. 🙂 Thanks for making me smile, Moby! Besides that, I hope the gym was productive.

    Have a great (safe & happy) New Year’s!

  3. So, were they actually BACKWARDS? Front to back reversed? Or do you mean INSIDE OUT? Could prove interesting. And, are you absolutely, positively, without a doubt, sure that no one else was laughing? Probably not….probably more jealous than anything else. Here’s to learning the ropes of Underwear-putting-on 101 in 2007. Just teasing…..

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