Control or Balance

A coworker commented on how he thought I was a perfect fit for my position as a Union Steward today. Not only am I not afraid to speak up but I’m also knowledgable about policy/procedure. And by the reaction of several supervisors/managers, I’d say I’m having an affect. One supervisor in particular won’t even speak to me now. I found out it is because he thinks I’m assurping his authority. Whatever the hell that means. I see it more as a check and balance to the system. I am here to add balance into an obviously unequal style of treatment.

It sorta got me to thinking though. Why do I like it? I don’t get paid for it and it certainly adds to my already heavy workload. Here is what I came up with.

One, I have a deeply rooted desire to ‘fix’ things. I’ve never figured out where it comes from but it’s true. I see a problem and I immediately wanna fix it. I get such a sense of accomplishment when I do “fix” something too. I’m also sure my willingness to overshare information stems from the same place.

Two, I’m a little bit of a control freak. I was always taught “if you want something done right, do it yourself“. A side rant to that, I also believe if you bitch about a problem you should be part of the solution.

Three, I have a strong desire to help people. I think this one stems from all of my own neglect as a kid1. Sort of a reverse behavior trait. I think it also gives me my sense of fair-mindedness. It is perfectly normal to have your own best interests at heart and I’m no exception however, playing the underdog often allows me to accomplish both goals in one.

Four, I’ve also wondered if it stems from my subconscious need to belong as well. Maybe all this time the ole id was trying to tell me something. Something I was missing but just didn’t know it.

Or, maybe it’s a bit of all of the above mashed into one person? I’m willing to go out on a limb here and think the latter is the truest answer. What say you?

1 Every time I mention my “tragic childhood” now, I think to myself, “Jesus Moby, are you ever gonna quit beating that horse”? I may eventually just not today. *g*

6 thoughts on “Control or Balance”

  1. Ugh, don’t second guess your motives like that. Ask yourself what you value, and what you’re doing to demonstrate that those are really the things that you value. And, well, if what you value is what you want to be valueing.
    Or, you could just decide that you just like to stir up trouble. πŸ˜‰

    Oh, and I’d advise to watch the control freak aspects; it’s better to help others get better to do it right in the long run. Then again, as a manager, that’s my excuse for not actually doing anything anymore. *sigh*

  2. Joe ~ I’m not second guessing as much as just examining my motives. It gives me perspective that I might otherwise miss.

  3. I think all those are great reasons, Moby. I have a feeling they’re all combined, urging you to do what’s best. Think of it as your own “Jiminy Cricket”. πŸ™‚

  4. Moby if I had to guess I would say it was a combo of all the reasons you stated. The one I don’t fully agree with is the one where you wish to belong. If so you wouldn’t challenge people to the point where they didn’t talk to you. Rather you would want everyone to get along. Don’t back down, stand your guns and keep on rocking.

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