Oddball News

I thought I’d take a break from rambling on and on about me for a change and share some really oddballs news stories.

(full story) A NEW York man has sued the makers of a health drink, saying it has given him a permanent erection for the last two years.

This for Boost Energy drink. Can you say frivolous? What a maroon!

(full story) An environmental group asked the federal government Tuesday to ban a class of toxic chemical compounds that are found in industrial and household detergents and are believed to cause male fish to develop female characteristics.

Screw the fish, what about the affect on Humans?!

(full story) Scientists have set a new record in sending information through thin air using the revolutionary technology of quantum teleportation – although Mr Spock may have to wait a little longer for a Scotty to beam him up with it.

Now this is downright spooky. Think about it. Teleportation even in the simplest form just boggles the mind. To think we are already developing applicable theories is amazing. I guess science really does mirror science-fiction.

6 thoughts on “Oddball News”

  1. this isn’t related to your post, but I thought I’d mention that recently your blog has become very slow to load. the header and side column load right away, but I’m waiting 30 seconds for the center column with the actual blog posts in it to load up. It didn’t do that a month or so ago when I discovered this blog. just letting you know.

  2. You know, that is really fascinating that teleportating might even be possible. I swear, if it ever does become a reality, traveling and relationships will probably be so much easier for some people 🙂

  3. The guy is suing because he has a constant erection from the drink? Hmmm… where can I find this drink? LOL!

    And yea, it seems as though reality sometimes catches up to science fiction. I’m not sure if we’ll ever get to the point of teleporting humans in my lifetime, but some form of teleportation seems plausible.

  4. Ok the Dude with the erection – am I the only one that laughed at that fact his last name is ‘Woods’!?

  5. I wonder how much BigMuscle and Manhunt are going to charge to teleport that horny hottie you’re chatting with right into your lap? Will it be a monthly fee? Inquiring minds want to know!

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