Blogs A Changin’


Yeah, it’s me again. I’m on day three of my mobilization at work and coming into the home stretch. I was fortunate to get off an hour early the previous two nights. Tonight, I was not so lucky. I’m stuck here till the very end at 2300 hours. There have been some issues today but nothing Al-Queda related. Color me surprised.1 The one good thing out of all this is my next paycheck is going to be hella fat. No only do I get double time and half for working through the July 4th holiday, I got an extra 16 hours of overtime for the 12 hour shifts I’m pulling in. Money is good but I’m tired. I still have two more days of my regular shift to go. Ugh.

As for the blog, one thing I’ve sorta gotten away from is my daily journaling. You know, the not-so-exciting stuff, random driven that has no bearing on anything other than me. I often blend some of it into the blog posts however, this type of stuff is more for me than anyone else. I like being in the habit of chronicling my days. The great thing about WordPress, it is so damn flexible. Thanks to a nifty little tag, I can post just the title and not subject the user to drivel unless they so choose.

I’m tired and cranky right now. The long shifts are taking their toll on me. Other than making a much needed gym appearance, my only goal tomorrow before work is to sleep in.

1 Yeah, I’m bitter.

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