Table For Two

I am meeting a guy from bear411 over lunch tomorrow. Not a date because it really isn’t sexual but we seem to chat a lot about geek stuff. I’m looking forward to it. I’m always happy to expand my circle of friends and he strikes me as a genuine fella.

He also works for Tivo and promised to bring me tchotchkes! Hell! I’d put out for that. heeehee. One can never have too much Tivo gear! Seriously though, we’ve been chatting off/on for months and decided to say hello in person. Working an odd schedule, it is hard to have a social life but I’m trying.

Of course, we are having sushi, my favorite food. Turns out he is a big fan and has never been to my favorite place in the ghaytto. I have to admit, it is nice to meet someone w/o the expectation of sex in the way. Well, I say that now but you know what a hoochie I am…

4 thoughts on “Table For Two”

  1. LOL. I hope you have a good time. Hmmmm maybe 411 is a good site, afterall. So far the only people who pursue me are very very old men. 😛

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