Tucson – Here I Come

Today is my Friday. I’m off at 10pm tonight and then off to Tucson to see some blog buddies early tomorrow morning. Apparently, a shindig is planned. Knowing homer, there will be more menz there than I can shake a stick at. heehee I even did some laundry so I could be presentable! That has to mean something!

I’m taking the laptop and the phone so will do my very best to take plenty of pics. You know homer isn’t camera shy so between the two of us, I’m sure we’ll digitize the whole weekend. Actually, now that I think of it, the new tivo bag will make a great travel bag for my short trip!1 My one misgiving is the sun/heat. I hope they have some sunblock because I’m still pale as a ghost. lol

To all the private inquiries, no Homer is not mad at me. I guess over the recent fall out some felt he would be angry w/me.2 Kind of silly if you think about it. Anyone who would un-friend me over a difference of opinion really isn’t a friend at all. I wasn’t worried but lordy lordy, you gurls sure are nosy.3 And, I didn’t agree or disagree, I just didn’t really care for how it was handled. I make no apologies for that. Homer and I have been friends online and offline for several years now. That will continue.

Lunch w/Mr. Tivo was great. Besides the free stuff, he was very fun to hang out with. We laughed a lot. I introduced him to my favorite sushi roll and he loved it. As any two gay men in SF, we talked about tech, scifi, sex, men, and gadgets. Duh! As I said below, I think I made a new friend and I’m sure we’ll hang out again soon.

As a bit of a teaser, I may have some good news to report soon. Still to early to tell but I’ll let you know as soon as I can. It promises to be a bit of a scandal as well.

1 I’m taking almost as many gadgets as I am clothes.
2 Where do people come up with this stuff?
3 For the record, I’m very nosy. The nose knows best.

5 thoughts on “Tucson – Here I Come”

  1. Take lots of pics!!! wooo hooo… Have a fun and safe trip… lood forward to seeing what goes down (tee hee)

  2. LOL @ Elroy. And I hope you have a blast, Moby. I can’t wait to hear about the scandalous news! I’m sure it’s a good one!

  3. Is there a liveing trust fun for gay bloggers? You guys are always traveling. Have fun in AZ but it’s gonna be hot–oh but thats a dry heat. Look forward to see pics.

    Are you preggers?

  4. I wish people would contact me about upcoming visits to see if I could make something!

    Alas, it looks like I may not see you this weekend. Hope you have fun!

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