
Today has been a blur up till now.  I got up late so of course I was running. [1]I’m absolutely beginning to hate my current schedule.  I made it to the gym thankfully.  While there, I noticed they put in the replacement steam room door.  It has to set overnight so I’m sure tomorrow the steam room will be standing room only. heehee 

Speaking of the gym, one of my two new future ex-husbands totally shot me down.  I was chatting him up and finally asked if he wanted to grab a bite sometime.  He said no.  *sniffle*  I guess the honeymoon is over.  I was chatting up another gym bud and he told me the guy is only into slim young smooth Asian boys.  I don’t fit any of that description.  Oh well, next!  The other future ex is a bust too.  I know that w/o even trying.  He is friendly but I’ve watched and he only flirts w/the big muscle boys.  I’m surprised he doesn’t work out more at the Brannan Gold’s where they all congregate. 




I finally got my hooves clipped and polished.  I’ve been blowing it off lately because of my schedule.  The girl I like is off the same days I am so makes it difficult.  She was so excited to see me. lol  She made me smile by noticing my muscles have increased a bit.  I totally could have kissed her.


Pride is almost upon us.  As I was driving home from work tonight the Castro was overflowing.  I expect this year will be especially festive what with the recent gay rights ruling here in Cali.  And it should be.  It is high time we get some equality.  I’m looking forward to pride this year more than usual. 


Oh, are you logged in?  You should be. 


1 I’m absolutely beginning to hate my current schedule.

7 thoughts on “Preview”

  1. I am so sad we will not be out there this year… too much going on here… please have some fun for me and Jeff… also, can you send me my password so i can log in… i tottally have lost it (well forgot it)…. have fun this weekend! take lots of hot pics!!

  2. You ever watch Nip Tuck? You could get elective surgury to make yourself Asian and smooth. You should get a consultation on THAT!

  3. Just came from Castro Gold’s. Good workout but the new steam room, not so much. I managed to miss the guy with the seeing-eye dog, though ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. A flat out “no” huh? I find that hard to believe Moby. But however you want to twist your tale is fine with me cause you’re so easy on the eyes.
    Who’s under the covers?

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