Random Thoughts…

Stuff popping into my head lately.  I dunno either. 

It is hard being in love w/someone who can’t love you back.


Facebook "is the devil!"


I think I prefer someone ugly on the outside vs ugly on the inside.


No, it is not ok to let your offspring run uncontrollably all over a restaurant and then get upset when someone else tells your brats to behave.


No, it is not ok to throw your nasty filthy disgusting cigarette butts on the ground because you are too lazy to walk 2 feet to deposit it in a trash receptacle.


If you break a medic gurney because of your weight, it might be time to go on a diet.  Just a thought oinker.


Honesty is the new black.


I’m really sorry my "lifestyle choice" is a threat to your marriage.  Sucks to be you though.


Ooh, that feels good, do it again!


A missed opportunity is like being shit on by a bird. 


Yes, I know I’m going to hell for being gay but I thought all sins were equal in God’s eyes you big cocksucking hypocrite?

8 thoughts on “Random Thoughts…”

  1. My theory is that the only reason they claim yer going to hell is that you’ll be having a far better time then they will and they’re just jealous.

  2. If you are a fatalist you’ll never miss a chance at a lost opportunity, then again, that’s a depressing thought. Perhaps it’s more realistic to say that one day you’re the statue and another day the bird.

  3. the only one i don’t get is the facebook one. is it addicting? i think i signed up a long time ago, but don’t check it or go on it anymore.

  4. I thought “facebook” was the new black, Black was the new Obama, and Obama was the new Devil.

    That’s what the GOP says anyway…

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