Too Through

My happiness with our new President-elect is overshadowed today.  With Prop 8 expected to pass here in CA, Prop 102 in AZ and Prop 2 in Florida passing, I have lost all respect for so called “Christian” hate-mongers.  If you’ve been living under a rock, these 3 amendments write discrimination into their respective state constitutions. 

I’ve always tried to respect peoples religious beliefs however, there comes a point where your hate, fear, and ignorance cloaked in faith is no longer acceptable.  That time has come.  After this election, you’ve made it very clear you hate me and hope to forever label me as a 2nd class citizen.  Well I’m here to tell you, I am not going away no matter how hard you try.  Nor will I blithely stand by when I hear you condemning me and mine in the name of scripture and then claiming faith as an excuse. 

Of course, there are those who still claim to be “christians” who also believe in reason and human rights.  It is you folks who are now faced with a difficult choice.  You can continue to stand by and allow your religion (aka cult) to be corrupted by greed and hate or you can take a stand.  You can stand for common decency, respect, and equal treatment of all people.  You can put your fellow “christians” on notice their behavior is not acceptable and take back your faith.  But, if you choose to stand idly by and do nothing while still identifying with those who hate me, you are no longer exempt from my scorn either. [1]I feel it is worth noting, some of the most horrific atrocities ever committed in human history were done in the name of faith.

No matter how hard you try to justify your actions using archaic scripts, you know deep down it is wrong.  And it is you who is accountable for that. 

And to be clear, I don’t hate you.  But don’t expect me to ‘turn the other cheek’ any longer. 


1 I feel it is worth noting, some of the most horrific atrocities ever committed in human history were done in the name of faith.

8 thoughts on “Too Through”

  1. You have my full and un-wavering support Moby. I’m aghast that these propositions passed and something makes me thing that all is not right, alas not being over there to witness first hand means I do not know all the details, but I urge you and anyone else with a voice to make some fucking noise, what has happened here is immoral, and putrid, each year I support the ‘equal love, equal rights’ campaign in Australia and I shall continue to do so. I just hope this doesn’t dissuade anyone from standing up for themselves on this matter.

  2. These Props have taken all the wind out of my sails. I know it isn’t personal but it sure does feel that way. The GLBT community needs to lick its wounds and come back fighting harder than ever.

    I agree, I’m done giving these douches the benefit of the doubt. I vow to be more vocal and confrontational moving forward.

  3. Never again will I politely stay quiet as someone at work praises the lord, or someone in line wishes for Jesus’ helping hand.

    From this day forth, I will always challenge them. I will take the time, every time. And I will politely tell them that faith, in my thinking, is a way to justify irrational belief and ignorance by turning them into a virtue.

    I have come out so many times. It is time to come out about my opinions of faith, who it hurts, and why it is bad for society.

  4. If you’re blaming “The Lord” or “Jesus Christ”, you’re retarded. Seems a whole lot of “Christians” voted AGAINST the amendment, too. If you want to blame any group(s), please check the demographics of those who did vote FOR the amendment . You might be surprised.

    @Jeff ~ I don’t believe in the ‘chritian’ version of God so would be kind of hard for me to blame him. Knowing your comments from Brett’s blog, I’m sure you are referring to minorities that voted for Prop 8. Maybe you can explain to me how their choice is worse than all the white people who voted for Prop 8? More to the point your assumption is that because minorities have known discrimination they themselves would be less likely to do so in return. History has shown us time and time again this is simply not the case. Regardless of your color, if you voted for it, shame on you.

  5. My faith is shaken. For a couple of years now I have been unable to attend any churches in my town because I just can’t stand being around the people. Christians give Christ a bad name.

    You have challenged me. I need to engage in dialog with those who are ignorant (or just plain stupid) about gay rights.

    Please continue to be who you are. Don’t go away. Thank you for standing up.

  6. I was there on Wednesday night in Hollywood. I marched because I felt kicked in the teeth.The goddamned Mormons and Catholics have pushed the envelope too far. their tax exempt status must now be forfeited. They have actively sought to harm me and they have succeded. Now, I will work to hurt them, too.
    god damn them all.

  7. I won’t stand for it either. Not for a minute. And if confronted, I promise you’ll know exactly where my mind is. If it were PC to use the F-word in this comment, you’d be seeing it.

  8. Mr. Moby I love this… Thanks for communicating what I and so many others are trying to get across. Still thinking Holland would be a great place to live tho.

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