
I love Rachel Maddow. Hers is one of the few political programs I consistently watch. I started watching knowing that she was a lesbian but I continued because of her sheer talent. While she has an obviously liberal slant, she is very fair-minded. Having a strong sense of that myself, I guess it is only natural I like her so much. And unlike many others, she pokes insight at the Dems as much as Republicans. Granted the Republicans get more but that’s only because they make it so much easier with their abundant and growing ignorance and fear-mongering. Rachel often calls foul regardless of party and calls it like she sees it. I love that!

Her investigative reports are some of the most in-depth of anything on TV. I was completely blown away by her interview last night with former Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge. Besides getting his point of view, she also asked him several tough questions. [1]And to his credit he responded rather well. And while she obviously disagreed with him at several points, she maintained civility and respect.

It is very refreshing to see a news commentator still focus on the news vs ratings. If you’ve never watched, I strongly recommend you check her out.


1 And to his credit he responded rather well.

4 thoughts on “Respect”

  1. She was awesome wasn't she? I was riveted by the whole interview. Excellent questions with good follow-up.

    @RG ~ Me too. I'm always impressed with her journalism and professionalism.

  2. I agree. She allowed him to clarify the whole "terror alert" quote that's been the lead on every one of his book stories. She does her homework so she can call BS with facts when required. I wish all of our political discussions could be so civil and revealing. (I like Fareed Zakaria on CNN Sunday afternoons, too.)

  3. Pingback: Twitted by ibod8x5
  4. I think part of why I like her is some basic similarities – mid-30s, gay, same sense of humor. But more so that she can make her points without assuming that her audience is a bunch of sheep that if you yell at them enough, they'll believe it. That and she's a total geek too. Too bad she has all the wrong parts for me. 😉

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