Boney Finger Video

I figured since my finger is jacked I’d do a new video. Be warned I think the volume might be a little loud.

6 thoughts on “Boney Finger Video”

  1. I think you should do a video post where you recreate the two minutes of obscenities from the gym the other day. I could learn a few things! As far as anger management, well, I think that when someone comes out with a comment like she did that is sooo nasty, cutting, ignorant and wrong that it should trigger a visceral response. If you hadn't let it out right then, it would have caused problems later.

  2. I watched your video a few days ago. When am I doing another video? I haven't been inspired. What more can I do with a chicken???

    @Brett ~ oh, that was just too easy! lol I'm sure you'll think of something.

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