
I’ve been weaning myself off Facebook and Twitter as of late. Its just too time-consuming. And frankly, the energy invested is almost never returned. lol   If it wasn’t for my moto group, I think I would abandon FB all together. Filtering, while still possible, is way more complicated than it used to be and trying to sort thru the lists of people just gets old after awhile.

Access to social aspects is great but the onslaught of “friends” is often too much and/or eventually waters down the entire experience. I’m leaning toward leaving parts of my profile, normally restricted, open and just weeding down my friend list to people I actually interact with on a regular basis. This way people who are just dying to know what I’m up to can. Ok seriously though, I’m not a celebrity or social icon. One really doesn’t need thousands of friends that never interact w/you but feel slighted the moment you remove them. Seriously. It all becomes very high school-ish after awhile. Apple guy de-activated his account completely the other day.

Even my blogging has suffered. I still have plenty to say but my free time is limited and I have to pick and choose where I waste it. heehee  As often happens, by the time I actually get time to sit down and blog, I’ve already moved on to other topic or forgotten the topic I wanted to blather on about.

Shifting my priorities away from FB and Twitter will give me more time to ramble incessantly on my blog anyway. This way I can feel validated and still get my online time in. [1]Yes, I’m being sarcastic here. duh!


1 Yes, I’m being sarcastic here. duh!

4 thoughts on “Direction”

  1. Well, hope that you will be able to shift some of your time from FB and Twitter to here! 🙂 Always a pleasure to read your new entry in this blog.

  2. I'm with you on the FB/Twit thingy, although I've never gotten around to Twit. The FB hasn't panned to a life altering experience for me as it has for others. Very few of my "friends" are interactive. Maybe like you, I'll open most of it up, let everyone see it like my blog, then they can interact if they so chose. Treat it more like a blog. Oh yeah, I have one of those. Maybe should have posted this there….mmmmm?

    Does this mean FB has run its course and will fade in the coming year or two?

  3. I actually don't post on FB and expect much back. I use it as a place to show friends what interests or concerns me. I also use it to just park stuff I think I'd like to refer to again for my own use or amusement. I can understand the frustration though. As with all internet activity it can sometimes be a bit empty and a huge time suck.

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