
Well, it seems I’m a legal citizen again, even if its only for the time being. With yesterdays ruling on Prop 8, California inches one step closer to being the state I’ve come to love. Even better, the judge’s statement was incredibly well written and based on detailed facts. [1]I especially love how he removed religion from the argument in one fell swoop!

A recent in-depth study of the original Prop 8 vote has shown it was the outright lies and fear-mongering cloaked as an effort to “protect the children” that swayed the votes against us. [2]I said as much back then. Also, many people who originally voted for it have come out against it once they discovered how deeply they had been deceived. And frankly, we all knew when it passed it was a gross violation of the California constitution. I’m happy to see the judge agreed.

I love the reaction from the haters arguing about activist judges. How quickly they forget this judge was republican. Even better is the lame excuse ‘its the will of the people’. Yeah, well when slavery was abolished, it was also the will of the people to allow it. How about when we killed people who dared say the Earth was round? And while I agree, the majority should have their say, it should not be at the expense of discriminating against others seeking a fundamental human right.

So the fight continues. One hurdle is down with more to come. I am optimistic as ever that we will see equality under the law in my lifetime. Hope springs eternal…


1 I especially love how he removed religion from the argument in one fell swoop!
2 I said as much back then.

2 thoughts on “Legal”

  1. So, when it's all said and done, and all the legal wrangling is complete, and IF our side wins, does this mean you and Apply Guy are going to get hitched, assuming of course, you two are still together. 😉

    @RG ~ We are already DP's. We haven't discussed it yet but it is most definitely a possibility. :p

  2. Awesome. And now with the stay on the Prop 8 case, you can get married, starting Aug 18th. Take pics, and let me know where you two are registered.

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