
The end is nigh. No, not my blog, the work project I have given a year of my life. We started the teaching phase a few weeks ago.Teaching 9-10 hours 6 days a week tends to wear on you. I’ve been struggling not to lose my voice from all the talking. [1]The irony in that statement is not lost on me. hehehe That being said, the software upgrade is being received better than I originally thought. It has it frustrations but overall it is an impressive upgrade. It makes some of our more tedious tasks easier.

This is the last week of training so I’ll be getting a break soon. I still have work to do but it revolves around tying up all the loose details. By the end of May, everything will be over. The software will be fully rolled out and I’ll go back to my main job functions. Part of me is glad but part of me will miss it. It gave me a chance to use skills I haven’t used in quite some time. It started out extremely fun and exciting and then the politics and interdepartmental squabbles soured it a bit.

Overall, it has been an exciting experience. I’ll always be grateful as it gave me some flexibility in my schedule I wouldn’t have otherwise had. Said flexibility gave me the space to devote more energies toward time with The Pup and our new (at the time) relationship. I expect my blogging will pickup again as well. Yay!


1 The irony in that statement is not lost on me. hehehe