Quick, Fast, & In a Hurry!

I made it in and out of the dmv today in less than 30 minutes! And, that’s including the time I spent running outside to take the plate off the bike. Confused? Don’t be. I bought a personalized plate for the bike and it finally arrived1. I didn’t like the one I had on the scooter so I switched.

What do you think? Does it suit me?

Speaking of, did I mention I sold the scooter back to the dealer? They gave me a fair price for it so no complaints there.

I also got the replacement phone/pda today too. Thanks be! I was going freakin’ nuts w/o it. I really am dependent on my gadgets. While waiting for the new one, I was given a clear idea of how much I depend on technology2. I can’t help it. However, isn’t that the point? To make ones life better? That’s a big affirmative in my book. hehehe.

I also made it to the gym again today. Three times in three days. I may actually gain back all my lost muscle before Christmas. That would be nice. I discovered my buddy, Woof Brandon, has passed me in size as well as strength now. Before I had him beat on strength. *sigh*

1 I ordered it over a month ago. They say 2-4 weeks. My ass. Try almost 2 frakin months!

2 Don’t laugh, I can check my email, surf the web, make calls, listen to music, manage my workouts, watch video, even record video on the damn thing. Hell, if I wanted to I could even use it as a garage remote.

Come on, One More…

Ok, now that I have some food it in me for the first time today, I’m in a better frame of mind. I really am a hateful bastard when I get hungry. I forgot to mention earlier it is cold and rainy here today. Oh yeah! The rain is back. For a city that never gets rain, we’ve had enough to last us all fraking year.

Trying to get my mind off more depressing thoughts, I thought I’d share something completely narcissistic. I’ve had several requests for info on my workout routines. And since, I haven’t finished my “Body by Moby” updates yet, I thought I’d interject one here.

I have the hardest time getting my chest muscles to grow. I’ve realized in part because I’m not burning the muscle out before reaching an overall state of exhaustion. In an effort to remedy that I decided to merge two routines into one. I’m pushing heavy weight w/lower reps primarily. The twist, I’ve added one or two more sets on each bench but dropping the weights to really finish off the muscle. And while my routine isn’t really for beginners, it can be adapted as such. I work chest and triceps together as they are complimenting muscles. Meaning you can’t do chest presses w/o calling your triceps into play. Spot training is so 80’s and has been shown to be less effective than training muscle groups. I’m strong for my size so the numbers, while sounding impressive, aren’t really that exciting for me. Oh and proper form is essential. It doesn’t matter how much weight you’re pushing, if you aren’t using good form, you are wasting your time. The ‘burn’ comes from pushing the muscle to exhaustion. Part of that is keeping the focus ON the muscle.

Bench 1
Incline Chest Press – 5 sets of 8 reps each – 225lbs
(2 – 45’s each side, plus 45lb bar)
I get 3 full sets of 8 reps each w/3-4 minute break between each. The last two sets, I drop the weight to 200lbs and then 175lbs. On the last two sets I only take enough of a break to drop the weights and then I hit it.
Continue reading Come on, One More…

Body by Moby

Ok, the title was cheesy but hey, cut me some slack. I’m sleep-deprived.

In an effort to keep my promise, I’m starting out w/some very generic helpful advice for first timers in the realm of working out.

Really simple axioms to remember.

1) To lose weight – you must burn more calories than you consume.

2) To build muscle – you must push some sort of heavy weight.

3) Have realistic expectations – body/muscle development is not an over-night process.

If you are truly interested in changing your outward appearance then you need to make changes in your life. My belief is most folks fail because they 1) go overboard and burn out quickly, 2) have very unrealistic expectations or 3) don’t think or follow it thru.
Continue reading Body by Moby

Muscle Head

Switching gears in a major way, one of my regular readers emailed me recently asking for advice on working out. First, an apology for not getting to it sooner. However, Sir Moby has a very full plate right now and long winded rants are harder to come by. And we all know I love yacking.

So in the coming week, I’ll be adding a dedicated section on tips/tricks for working out. Over the years, I’ve gleaned tons of information about working out. Do’s and Don’ts as well as helpful insights. I was a personal trainer ages ago while living in the seaport town of Galveston, TX. Back when I was a wee lad. And I’m not refering to age even though I was very young. No back when I was no bigger than a beanstalk. And while I am no longer a personal trainer, working out and health in general has become a huge part of my life. I still keep up w/the field and the ever advancing knowledge behind it.

Most of what I offer will be for beginners/novices and will branch into diet, health, routines, etc. I will cover more advanced stuff but I feel most folks are always looking for advice on 1) how to get started 2) how to maintain or 3) how to get back into it. And if it works for you great, if not well the hell with ya then. *wink*

Dirty Bastard

Some dirty bastard stole my towel at the gym today! Oh, talk about get my blood up. The shitty part is they had to lift up my travel bag to get it. So it wasn’t a “honest mistake”. Even worse, I’d forgotten mine so I bought a new one from the gym. Not being the shy type I yelled out, “whoever had the fucking nerve to steal my towel needs their ass whooped!” Several guys stopped me to share similar stories.

How pathetic are you if you have to steal a fraking gym towell? I only paid $4.00 for it but that is not the point. UGGH! I was already annoyed as I had to cut my gym time short. I forgot I was signed up for overtime today.

Continue reading Dirty Bastard

Tim & Tim / Meanderings

I got a flood of emails from my profile post yesterday. Guess I hit a nerve! All I can say to that is if the shoe fits wear it, bi-yatch!

Yesterday, lunch was spent w/Tim W. He took me down to Daly City for all-you-can-eat sushi as a belated b’day present. We both got full, caught up a bit, and just enjoyed the time together. I forgot to bring my camera. He wanted to see how much sushi I could put away. On a site note, he is going thru a bad patch at the moment so keep him in your thoughts!

Today, I had lunch w/southern Tim. I haven’t seen him lately so it was nice to see his shiny face. I was on the phone w/the movers when he showed up for lunch. Damn, if that hussy didn’t sit and eat most of my food. “Oh, I’ll just sit and hang out while you eat.” My ass! I got back at him though. He gets so embarassed hearing about my sexual exploits so I make sure to keep him up-to-date whenever I can. *eg* He was also gracious enough to volunteer to help me move. I’m recommending him for sainthood. Just as soon as I get to church again.

Continue reading Tim & Tim / Meanderings

Sleepy Head

I don’t know if it because I’ve been working out really hard for the last few days or what but, I have slept 10 hours every night for the last 3 nights. Other than some mild allergies, I feel fine so I don’t think I’m getting sick.

I’m not suprised though. I’m not one of those people who can go w/o much sleep. One or two nights and I’m good. More than that and I am just worthless, whining, cranky, good-for-nothin’ piece of flesh.

And speaking of the gym, I’m off to work my “mus-kels”.

Blog Who?

I’m moody today. Don’t ask me why, things are going fine at the moment.

I’m ‘fiddlin’ w/the blog a bit this week. Just some cosmetic changes. Large Tony gave me the idea for the pic links. I wanted to do circles but they just didn’t look right. I’m sure I’ll make more changes over the coming week but nothing overly exciting.

For those of you who read my OTHER blog, I’m folding it this week. I’m not really keeping up w/it as much as I should. I might bring it back in a new format to test WP2 but I’m not overly motivated right now. Of course, not having any free time might have something to do w/the lack of posts.

I get a lot of private emails regarding my posts. I’m never sure if I’m expected to respond so if I haven’t responded to your emails, I’m not ignoring you.

My gym schedule has really improved this month. Having they extra time for a change has helped. And having switched back to Gold’s to workout, I’m a lot happier. Gold’s just has more equipment geared towards muscle-building. Crunch was fine but they focus more on staying healthy and weight loss.

Pretty Pretty / Cha Ching

My gym schedule has sucked lately. Mainly due to the demands on my time. I knew it would happen and it will only get worse before it gets better. If I’m lucky, I’ll only have a month between class ending and starting a part-time gig as an EMT. I’m planning on putting that month to good use by spending extra time in the gym. After I start working as an EMT, I’ll be lucky if I get two days in a week.

I’ve been feeling like a wet noodle lately. I finally got into the gym today before work. I went yesterday but they were closed. (Damn them to hell!)

Don’t ya just love that feeling after a good work-out? You look in the mirror and your muscles are all pumped and tight. Oh yeah!


On a completely different note, my bank account is having a fit. I’ve been on a small shopping spree lately. Nothing frivilous, just the necessities. A new crock pot for the kitchen (I make a killer beans and rice dish). A new triple bin hamper for the laundry along with some wood hangers for the closet (CHRISTINA! NO WIRE HANGERS!) A new bluetooth adapter for the home pc. (The old one mysteriously broke when I dropped it 5 stories out the window). A new case for the pda/phone and an extra set of styli. Oh! And a new ergonomic keyboard for work. (Workers Comp. will reimburse me)

See, nothing frivilous or extravagant. . . uh….um. Ok, well there was that one thing. Remember, ages ago when I blogged about bluetooth stereo headsets? Well, I sorta bought a pair. Just one pair and I really needed them. (Yeah, NEEDED them!) Ok, I didn’t need them but I wanted’em really bad. And I get some credit, I waited till they came down to the $100.00 price mark! And all the stuff cost less than $400.00 total via Amazon, Overstock.com, and Ben’s Bargains.

That’s my story officer and I’m sticking to it!