
I guess what I should have said is sometimes I’m forced to be a real bitch. And don’t you know I’m good at it too. I don’t like doing it but sometimes it is required to get ones point across. Chicky decided she wanted to loose her ever-loven’ mind on me for a problem that wasn’t of my making. She found out, I’m not quite the easy mark she expected.

I’m reminded of a phrase from Dolores Claiborne, “…sometimes being a high-riding bitch is all a girl has to hold onto…”

Fiction imitates life? Life goes on…

3 thoughts on “Clarity…”

  1. I always enjoy reading your blog – and admire you on so many points. I wish that I had an ounce of your self respect when it comes to standing up for yourself and your beliefs. I don’t envision it as being a bitch but rather a man who respects himself, a value that many of us have lost over time.

    I have worked for my current boss for the past three years. I am berated and belittled on a daily basis and often wonder if I had said something the first time that it happened if it would have changed the way that she spoke to me from day one. Of course, a supervisor in a work situation is different on some accounts, but she should not treat anyone in that manner or use her position as a reason for being able to do it.

    I have since tried to speak my mind but it has come with great resistance and then it generally gets worse for several days after the occurance. All of this is soon to change as I have put in my resignation, but just yesterday she put me through the ringer for something that was not even my fault. I already have another job lined up and am ready to go – but one of my last goals is to let her know that her behavior is completely unacceptable and how i truly feel.

    I know that you share your life and thoughts with the world on a daily basis, I truly thank you for doing so. You have given me encouragement on so many different levels that assist me with making changes in my life and yet we have never met. Although we have never met I know that you are a fine gentleman who is stands up for his beliefs and takes no regrets in doing so.

    We continue to learn and grow throughout life, I thank you for sharing yours so others may grow also.

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