Back At It

I’m back in SF. It was good to be away but it’s also good to be home. The flight back could not have gone better. It was a direct flight and just under half full. I have the whole row to myself. I spent the time watching DVD’s and playing Blackhawk Striker.

Today, I’m sitting in front of the computer waiting for the 15 billion emails to download1. Speaking of computers, the new spam filter I installed on the blog is working quite well. Large Tony recommended it, Spam Karma 2, and I’ve been very pleased with it overall.

I have a ton of errands to do today. None of which will actually get done. The maids are also coming so I at least have to run out and get some cash for them2.

So I’m asking myself, “was the trip worth it?” My answer. Most definitely yes. I had a great time and it was very relaxing. I needed the time away and the trip served its purpose. I didn’t think of work more than once. I did go over budget but not by much. This means I get to eat more than raman noodles for the next two weeks. heheee.

Sadly, this is the last trip of the year. It’s back to reality and putting my nose to the grindstone. However, I made mention before the trip I was cutting back on some stuff. I’m looking forward to having a little more free time on my hands.

1 I almost never use the computer at home these days. The laptop is newer and faster. However, I have to run it every so often to clean off the email servers.

2 I ran out of checks two weeks ago. I’ll add ordering new ones to the list of things that won’t get done today.

3 thoughts on “Back At It”

  1. More time on your hands? Good, because I will be there Friday and I expect to meet you! LOL Maybe even a ride on that motorbike? 😉


  2. Glad you made it back safe and sound, Moby. Well, you might not have any more “vacations” for the remains of the year, but with your new found free time, you might be able to treat yourself to the occasional “mini-vacation” before 2007 arrives. 🙂

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