
Does anyone else find it oddly amusing that the religious F&F’s [1]fundamentalists and fanatics selectively pick and choose disasters to blame on gays?  Several of the crazy sites (of which I will never link to here) are blaming the current financial crisis and resulting company failures on gays.  Wha-wha-what?  Gays caused the financial meltdown in our country? 

I particularly like how they liken our influence to total control yet we still don’t have basic rights in most of the Union.  I mean if our control was that iron clad wouldn’t we already have equal protections?  Oh right, God is keeping us in check.  I get it, blame the deity of choice as to avoid rational thought and common sense. 


I just finished watching the VP debate.  So basically Palin is considered a success because she didn’t stick her foot in her mouth?  Or at least that is what the political pundits on CNN think.  The VP is second in line for the presidency and we rate her a success on making it thru a debate w/o a major blunder?   My my, what high standards we have. 

I came away feeling that Palin has good memorization skills and looks good on camera.  As a VP she would pretty much be a figurehead that does what she is told.  Not necessarily a bad thing for a VP however, the though of her stepping into the presidency makes me shudder.  And while Biden didn’t particularly wow me, I felt he had a firmer grasp on reality and is much more qualified to be the VP.  I particularly liked his phrasing on gay rights.  While he said he didn’t support gay marriage, his phrasing clearly indicates he was referring to it in a religious sense not a civil rights sense.  Very well said in my opinion.  


1 fundamentalists and fanatics

9 thoughts on “Hysterical”

  1. I thought about this actually with the last hurricane round. With Katrina it was all about the dirty homosexuals in New Orleans getting wiped out.

    I wondered if anyone would say this time it coincided with Bush deciding we should drill off shore in the Atlantic and calling for Alaska drilling.

    What … What … No cries this was a sign from God to stop us from destroying our planet?

    Guess Mother Earth is not as important as us damn dirty gays πŸ™‚

    PS Clearly those sights don’t understand gay gentrification . . . IE move into the neighborhoods that are slums and make them fabulous so everyone else wants to buy buy buy! I’m sorry, isn’t that a housing bonus?

  2. BTW on the gay marriage thing, no candidate will support it right now, it’s suicide.

    One thing I picked up on Palin , she was very clear on using the words “private contracts” as opposed to even civil unions. Yeah I’ve heard that reasoning before. I replied ” Anna Nicole had a fucking marriage and still got stripped by the courts and you are telling me to draw up documents with a lawyer?”

  3. Oh Wow, i’ll have to go search around for this recent pile of crap that they blame us for. Actually being formerly from that world, I still get shocked at crap I here those people say. I think a few of them will be very surprised when they get to heaven! If I’m still around when they depart this land, I hope the biggest flame meets them at the gate and shows them around…hehehe. I can think of a few friends that would fit that role to a T, please Lord send them if they are not busy, because I know you have some strange twisted humor.

  4. Every year I know I am the cause of at least three tornadoes, two car accidents, and 14 house fires. It is a proven fact, just check the bible!

  5. I think “Joe. My. God.” had some sources if you are interested in who the lunatics are. This is no different than the Nazi’s did to the Jews, it is called scapegoating.

  6. And by the way… when the Right Wing Christian Republicans come to haul me to the labor camps… the better be prepared to die… Cause I am gonna take a few of the fuckers out with me.

  7. Moby: As a Reformed Christian, I will not, and do not buy the belief that gays have caused our economic problems. The causes are complex and involved. Without a clear word from the Divine Majesty, anything said about His mindset in this matter is speculation at best.

    With respect to the debate, I would give Palin a slight edge. We probably disagree, but the two parties seem to be in balance;
    inexperienced Obama and experienced Biden, Experienced McCain and inexperienced Palin. Not the best of choices, to be sure!

    @CBinCA ~ Respectful is always good and we most definitely disagree on Palin. Maybe you could email me your interpretation of how she was ahead? I certainly had my doubts about her but even more so after the debate. I’m also curious as to your reformed Christian reference. Was that to preface your belief or something else? I have never heard the term before.

  8. cbinca – please check your meds. Palin is a telegenic clown. A total void, trained to spout memorized talking points. Her faulty programming causes those talking points to often fall out of her hole in random, meaningless order.
    dumbot hoopleheaded clown.
    To compare her and her “sunnydale avenue junior college” jounalism degree to Barak Obama’s Harvard Law and Summa Cum Laude Columbia education, combined with his 4 years U.S. and 8 years Illinois Senatorial legislative experience is laughable at best.
    You are utterly cognitively delusional.
    Have a nice day.

    @rich ~ easy there big fella. πŸ˜› I know how you feel but let us try to have a clean debate. No slipping in insults between points. hehehe

  9. Your statement: “I particularly like how they liken our influence to total control yet we still donΒ’t have basic rights in most of the Union.”

    This is EXACTLY the sort of sitation with Jews in Nazi Germany…

    On another note, glad to hear you are healing well.

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