Blogging Anew

Trying to lift my spirits and keep myself preoccupied, I’ve moved my blog. I’ve been planning it for awhile but my buddy kristaki beat me to the punch so I figured it was time to act. This is my first official post on the new blog. I haven’t folded it completely. I’m still using blogger to update/add stuff and storing stuff on my domain. Eventually, I plan to fold everything into my domain and manage it w/wordpress or moveable type. That requires some updates to my server side functions that I am not willing to do just yet.

Change your bookmarks cause Moby has moved

Long Day

Its been a long day. I was off today but had lots of errands planned. I was originally supposed to go to the gym but I’m still feeling a bit down so I wrote that off. Which was probably a good thing as I have a bit of a sore throat again. I keep thinking good thoughts…”get well, get well, get well…..” *g*

So I had a meeting w/the chairman of the Bare Chest Calendar in the late afternoon. He was a bit late, but not overly so, and he did call so no biggie there. We got off to a good start. He has some good ideas for the direction of the website and was very ok w/me changing the code up to fit my needs. The previous person was more into Java and less into html and I’m more into xhtml and CSS. Some of the code was overly complex for simple functions. Or, more correctly, its easier just to write it w/CSS instead of Java. With that in mind, I’m completely rewriting the site. Even better the chairman has heavy graphics experience which is my one lacking area. This just means I won’t be overtaxed trying to keep up w/their demands along w/the other domain and a full 40hr work week.

The other domain, thru my old company, hasn’t even decided on a new logo yet. Until they work out the details, any work on their site is on hold. Again, a bonus for me. Gives me time to focus on one at a time.

I got my days mixed up and I rushed home thinking I was running late for my grocery delivery. After getting home, I realized its tomorrow instead. (I get my groceries delivered via Safeway. Way easier than trying to pack them all into my scooter)

To finish off the day, I had a community meeting at one of the police stations. All of the stations in they city have community meetings once a month to help connect withe the community as well as give the community a chance to express their ideas, problems, complaints, etc. I totally expected it to be a bitch-a-thon. It wasn’t. It wasn’t very busy due in part to the weather being overly cold today. What I didn’t know was this month’s meeting was primarily about my job. Two of the supervisors were also in attendance. You could tell one was a bit nervous about speaking in front of people but she pulled it off well. The other, much like myself, was totally comfortable speaking in front of a large group. All in all it went pretty well.

Not much me time today. Course, tomorrow is wide open. Still haven’t done laundry, dishes, blah blah blah….

From Pics to Spam

Ok, I’m over my bathroom kick, at least for awhile. So, todays madness is about pics. I’ve gotten a couple of emails asking for more pics of me. I’ve been contemplating adding a photoblog here but since I’m considering folding the blog into my domain, it doesn’t really make much sense to go thru all the effort just to change it again. Being lazy, I just changed my profile pic. Oy! What a mug huh? Face like that could crack glass.

Speaking of pics, why is it people feel the need to lie or hide their identities online? I won’t even go into online dating/sex sites where guys use fake pics to hook up for nookie. No, we’ll tuck that rant away for a rainy day. Most of my buddies think its from a secret desire to be anonymous and naughty at the same time. I guess that makes sense but, you really aren’t being anonymous. Your IP address can be traced back to you along w/your name and address. (For those non-techie folks, IP stands for internet protocol. Its a string of numbers, unique to you, your computer uses to identify you on the network. ) These numbers are easy to look up for free even to a novice internet user. And most people seem to know this but fall prey to the mentality “oh it won’t happen to me.” Or, if they can’t see it happening, they don’t really think much about it. Of course, this probably explains why viruses spread so quickly. I know some of you are thinking, “no, that can’t be right. No, he doesn’t know what he is talking about.” Ok, well here is a classic example of how Porn sites magically get your information.

Step 1. You visit Site A. Your browser is set to accept cookies. (you know it is) Part of the cookie is your IP address. BAM! They have you right there. They ping your IP to discover your name/home address and add you to their snail mail spam list. It is really that easy.

Step 2. You visit Site B. Your browser is set to accept cookies. This time, the cookie looks for your personal info you filled out when you bought the PC. Yes, they do that, and its perfectly legal. BAM! You could now begin getting snail mail and email spam AND if you filled out your home phone number, they can now CALL you w/more spam.

So the next time you log onto your favorite porn site, remember someone is watching!

Blogs Blogs and More Blogs

In my search for a blog managment tool, I’ve discovered there are more than a few out there. I’ve narrowed it down to just two, wordpress and moveable type. Both use php as the code, which I’m not familiar with. That said, I think I’m up for the challenge. Being a technophile does have its advantages.

So first things first, I discover I have to move my domain. While this doesn’t affect the blog as of yet, it still presents a hassle. My domain host tells me for mySQL to work, I have to switch my domain from microsoft to a linux server. Of course, this means I have to download everything from the site to prevent any info from being lost during the switch. They wipe the old site completely. Blah blah blah…..

I haven’t quite decided to make the jump just yet. I’m still doing some fact finding to get everything lined up. Wish me luck!

From Blogs to Hard Drives

I realized today I need to update my blog list. I’ve noticed I’m turning up on quite a few blogs so I’ll be returning the favor soon enough. I normally read most of my blogs thru an RSS reader. I’ve actually found it takes some of the fun out of it for me so I’m switching back to the old method of just pulling up the webpage.

Btw, does anyone have a fully functional Registry Editing Program? I’m dying for a new one. I lost my old one in a hard drive crash and I can’t seem to find it on the web now.

Gym & Tramps

Let see, how should I start this one. Nothing comes to mind so I guess I’ll dive right in. For those of you who know me, you know I’m a total horndog so this is no surprise to you. For those who don’t, well brace yourself, this is a bit of an adult rant today. *smile*

So I’m cruising this guy at the gym. He is just scrumptious from my point of view. . . 5’6″ italian mix of some sort. Tight lean frame and yeah THAT was nice too. *G* He always acts like he’s interested so I thought today was the day. I’m done w/my workout, (triceps – day from hell) and I’m showering up when he walks by gives me an up/down look as if to say “hello – drop to your knees”. I’m like wahooo! So then he slips into the steam room to hang out. I follow of course. And it goes like this for about 30mins. From shower to steam room and back again. Getting a bit annoyed, I corner him and ask him if he wants to come over since I’m only a block away. His response “is it safe over there?” …uh, well I’m a block away, how bad can it get? I didn’t really know what to say so I said, “yes, I’m just a block away”. So now he is all skiddish and stand offish giving off totally mixed signals. Of course, this ruins the spontaneity of it for me.

I just don’t get fags sometimes. Why go thru all the effort of showing someone you are into them and then back out? And the fucker was obviously interested cause he got a stiffy several times. Oh well, its not like I’m starving for it. Christ, this is SF after all. You can get laid checking the mail.

Well, thats my rant for now. I’m home “in the mood” after being disappointed by Mr. Hottie. I wonder if I can order in…

Its Here!

The New Laptop

Finally! Its here. Wahoooo! You’d think I’d never seen a laptop before the way I tore thru the boxes to get in unwrapped. I know I shouldn’t be so excited over something so materialistic. You have to remember though, I’ve been putting it off for YEARS! Finally, I get what I want for a change.

Of course, I blew off the gym to spend the whole morning tweaking it, installing stuff, and getting it just right. I also realized my webcam sucks! What a crappy picture. (The ex got the digital camera in the split) Well, I can add that to the bottom of the list. Lord knows, I’ll be busy working my butt off to pay for this little gem here. I don’t mind though. It will get used alot and I promise to ring every ounce of enjoyment out of it that I can!