SCANDAL! – And the Karma Rebounds

I got Saturday/Sunday off on my sign up! I can’t freaking believe it!

Ok, for those of you who read often, [1]all 11 of you you know I got a crappy deal on my last sign up. I ended up w/Thursday/Fridays off after having Sunday/Mondays off for a year. Well, thru a strange fluke of scheduling and a few people out on extended leave, I got Saturday/Sundays off this time! For someone w/my seniority to get a full weekend off is unheard of. I’ve only got 4 years on the books. I’m about midway up the list. To be honest, I’d probably rather have Sunday/Monday. I get a weekend day for play and a workday to get errands and crap done. That said, I’ll probably never see a weekend slot again for at least another year so I figured why not go for it. Enjoy it while I can.

For me, this is a glaring example of my karma coming back to me in a good way. I tried so hard to be a better person thru the breakup and all the crap that came down thru the end of 2004. I’m just so pleased at the moment, not much else to say. Wahoooooo!


1 all 11 of you


Ok, so just a couple of funny thoughts I encountered on my “rolling” today.

Great Cartoon Still – “Now that right there is funny, I don’t care who you are”

The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of sexually transmitted disease.
This disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim (pronounced “gonna re-elect him”). Many victims have contracted it after having been screwed for the past 4 years, in spite of having taken measures to protect themselves from this especially troublesome disease. Cognitive sequellae of individuals infected with Gonorrhea Lectim include, but are not limited to:
Anti-social personality disorder traits; delusions of grandeur with a distinct messianic flavor; chronic mangling of the English language; extreme cognitive dissonance; inability to incorporate new information; pronounced xenophobia; inability to accept responsibility for actions; exceptional cowardice masked by acts of misplaced bravado; uncontrolled facial smirking; ignorance of geography and history; tendencies toward creating evangelical theocracies; and a strong propensity for categorical, all-or nothing behavior.
The disease is sweeping Washington. Naturalists and epidemiologists are amazed and baffled that this malignant disease originated only a few years ago in a Texas Bush.

From Pics to Spam

Ok, I’m over my bathroom kick, at least for awhile. So, todays madness is about pics. I’ve gotten a couple of emails asking for more pics of me. I’ve been contemplating adding a photoblog here but since I’m considering folding the blog into my domain, it doesn’t really make much sense to go thru all the effort just to change it again. Being lazy, I just changed my profile pic. Oy! What a mug huh? Face like that could crack glass.

Speaking of pics, why is it people feel the need to lie or hide their identities online? I won’t even go into online dating/sex sites where guys use fake pics to hook up for nookie. No, we’ll tuck that rant away for a rainy day. Most of my buddies think its from a secret desire to be anonymous and naughty at the same time. I guess that makes sense but, you really aren’t being anonymous. Your IP address can be traced back to you along w/your name and address. (For those non-techie folks, IP stands for internet protocol. Its a string of numbers, unique to you, your computer uses to identify you on the network. ) These numbers are easy to look up for free even to a novice internet user. And most people seem to know this but fall prey to the mentality “oh it won’t happen to me.” Or, if they can’t see it happening, they don’t really think much about it. Of course, this probably explains why viruses spread so quickly. I know some of you are thinking, “no, that can’t be right. No, he doesn’t know what he is talking about.” Ok, well here is a classic example of how Porn sites magically get your information.

Step 1. You visit Site A. Your browser is set to accept cookies. (you know it is) Part of the cookie is your IP address. BAM! They have you right there. They ping your IP to discover your name/home address and add you to their snail mail spam list. It is really that easy.

Step 2. You visit Site B. Your browser is set to accept cookies. This time, the cookie looks for your personal info you filled out when you bought the PC. Yes, they do that, and its perfectly legal. BAM! You could now begin getting snail mail and email spam AND if you filled out your home phone number, they can now CALL you w/more spam.

So the next time you log onto your favorite porn site, remember someone is watching!

Wash or Dash

I seem to have some sort of fascination w/bathrooms this week. I was watching a movie at the AMC theatre yesterday and I had to use the restroom. Upon my completion I’m washing up and I noticed something. So, I thought I’d put it to a test. If you work or play in a busy area and tend to frequent public restrooms, keep an eye on how many guys actually wash their hands after taking a piss.

I’ve always been a washer. I wash my hands when I’m finished doing my biz. No matter if its #1 or #2. I’ve noticed that on the norm, gay guys tend to wash their hands more often than straight guys. That said, even some of my gay friends are dashers. Meaning they zip and dash w/o a single glance at the wash receptacle.

At work, I notice the same thing. However, I do tend to see more people wash in general. Still the ratio from gay/straight is always higher. I’m curious as to why that is. Any thoughts?


Don’t you just HATE it when you are out and about and you desperately have to go to the bathroom (yes, #2). So you search and search and you finally find a spot before you explode. You give it all you’ve got and are relieved and thankful until you discover….uh oh! no toilet paper.


Corporate Disgrace – Again

I don’t know if this is the first incident of 2005 but its the first I’ve noticed. Anyhoo, so get this. A guy is fired from a blood lab for disclosing he is HIV. A BLOOD LAB! The very people who should know better. (full story)
John Couture was hired by Bonfils Memorial Blood Center to work as a phlebotomist – a technician who draws blood – as part of a mobile blood collection team.
Several weeks into his training, he was informed that members of his training class would practice on each other to learn how to draw blood. Couture disclosed his HIV status to his employer to avoid the possibility that one of one of his colleagues would come into contact with his blood during this one-time training. As a result, Bonfils Memorial Blood Center fired him from his position as a phlebotomist, yet allowed him to apply for an inferior position in the production department where he would have no contact with blood donors.

Wait, I know what you’re thinking, “this sounds like a bad episode of Nip/Tuck“. No, I’m afraid not, this really happened. How often do you hear of a phlebotomist saying oops, silly me, I drew my own blood and, *feigned laugh* I accidentally put in your vial” I mean how stupid do these people have to be? Basically, he’d have to draw someone’s blood, stick himself w/a needle draw some of his own blood and then inject it into a used vial.

*ring ring, its the clue phone*


Today was a nice day off. I’ve learned to appreciate my days off more and more these days. Got up late, had lunch w/the ex and did a few errands together, met a nice stud for an afternoon slough and now just hanging out watching the world go by.

Morning: Most of it spent goofing off being lazy around the house. Finally, got my lazy carcass over to the gym around 11:30. Today was originally back day but I switched and did shoulders. No real reason, just felt like doing shoulders today. Mr. Hottie was there and I ignored him completely. Ok, well completely is the wrong word. Afterwards, he came into the steam room where I was laid out relaxing and I made sure to get a stiffy before leaving. (Yes, I can be a spiteful bastard at times)

Early afteroon: I decided to have lunch in the Castro after checking the mail. The ex came by and we had a nice lunch together. I discovered he is dating someone new. I’m not sure how serious it is as he was obviously uncomfortable talking about it. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel upset or hurt at all. I’m not sure its wise to be dating someone so soon but who am I to be giving him advice on relationships. It pains me to know that I’m not the one for him but I’ve also realized that maybe he isn’t the one for me. I deserve to be treated better than I was and I didn’t have to convince myself this time by rehashing all the reasons why. I’ve had some time to grieve and my head and heart are beginning to agree with each other as far as he is concerned. I’m digressing again. We had a nice lunch, caught up on “the stuff” going on in our lives and we ended up doing a few errands together. It was nice just hanging out w/him as a friend. He seemed very at ease as well.

Late Afternoon: Met a fellow thru an online site (which will remain nameless) and we had a nice romp. For a change he was everything he said he was and then some. The connection was powerful which made it that much better. (No, I won’t go into the details. However, I’ve thought of starting another blog for such matters, whaddya think?)

Evening: There is a nice new french bakery/coffee shop in the Castro, the Le Bon Gateau, which is becoming one of my favorite haunts. They have free wifi but more importantly, its setup to relax. They have a mixture of hard top tables w/bar stool style chairs along w/some very comfy couches. Much more of a relaxing atmosphere than the very sterile a-typical style Starbucks just around the corner. Starbucks ain’t bad but it just doesn’t have that “come on in” feeling to it. I’m digressing again, shit. Ok, back on topic so I’m hanging out and I bump into a friend of the ex. We had a nice coversation over him working and me net surfing.

So overall its been a good day. No stress, no drama, very relaxed and friendly. Just the way I like it.

Blogs Blogs and More Blogs

In my search for a blog managment tool, I’ve discovered there are more than a few out there. I’ve narrowed it down to just two, wordpress and moveable type. Both use php as the code, which I’m not familiar with. That said, I think I’m up for the challenge. Being a technophile does have its advantages.

So first things first, I discover I have to move my domain. While this doesn’t affect the blog as of yet, it still presents a hassle. My domain host tells me for mySQL to work, I have to switch my domain from microsoft to a linux server. Of course, this means I have to download everything from the site to prevent any info from being lost during the switch. They wipe the old site completely. Blah blah blah…..

I haven’t quite decided to make the jump just yet. I’m still doing some fact finding to get everything lined up. Wish me luck!

Blog Roll Update

(I’m on a roll today so bear w/me)

I finally updated my blog lists. I’ve expanded my reading quite a bit lately so felt it time to add a few folks to the list. I’ll be adding a blog link section soon. For those poor souls who found it in their heart to link to me I can only ask “What were you thinking?” *big grin* Seriously, thank you to everyone who felt like my ramblings were worth linking too, I’m grateful.

I’m also looking at folding my blog into my own domain. I listed here originally out of convenience but I have no control over the blogger code and more and more I see blogs that have been hacked. Fear not, I will update w/links and a “forward” command to reroute everyone.

Menz’es & the Castro

On a completely different and shallow rant, I’m down in the Castro and I’ve forgotten how many really good looking men live in this city. And to think most of them are gay too. Wahooo!

It’s sooo nice to just to sit and watch the world go by. I get a kick out of people watching and of course the castro is never w/o its flare. I mean this is one of the few places in the country where people can just be themselves w/o fear of gawking or bashing. In the past 20 minutes, I’ve seen 2 bears, 3 straights w/kids in tow, 6 muscle men, 4 twinks, 2 tranny’s and a drag queens walk by.

Ain’t tolerance grand?!