On a Happier Note

So I’m sitting at Daddybucks (Starbucks) in the Castro doing my best to enjoy the new laptop. I’ve spent the last few days tweaking it and getting “stuff” transferred from the PC. I must admit I’m more than happy w/it. I just need to find a backpack big enough for it now. I bought one but it doesn’t quite do the job so I’m probably gonna send it back.

Its a muggy chilly day here in SF. Its been raining alot and a new storm is headed this way. We got some severe weather alerts at work so have been preparing for some major flooding. The ground is so saturated now if any new heavy rains hit its gonna get messy.

Hey! a a hot fucker just walked by. . .

Karma – 1 Bitterness – 0

So I did a good deed for the ex yesterday. He emailed me asking a “huge favor”, as he put it. It wasn’t that big a deal for me as it involved my techie skills. However, it ended up saving him a wad a cash. Yeah, part of me wanted to say no, just to rub it in that maybe he needed me but, what would that accomplish? So once again, I thought of my karma and how would my actions reflect on me. Laugh if you will, I still try to do at least one good deed every day. So why not do this deed for someone who needs it even if they have hurt me. I wonder if that counts as double karma? *mental note – check karma scales*

Switching topics just a little, I got a nice surprise today. I went to work for a few hours of overtime. I discovered several presents under the tree just for me. (We do secret santa every year so I expected one gift) None of them are labeled as to whom they are from. I can guess three already. I guess the point is it made me feel all warm/fuzzy inside. A feeling I normally have but a bit lacking this year. Several of “the girls” know I’ve had a hard time w/the breakup so I guess this is there way of reaching out to me. It’s times like these that my faith in humanity is renewed. It’s amazing how such a simple gift can mean so much more.

I’m not wealthy and I don’t have much to show materially for my life. I have alot more to show in experience and wisdom. (in my humble opinion) As the years pass, I’m reminded more and more often of the things that matter most to me in this life. For that I am grateful.

So just maybe, christmas this year won’t be so blue after all! And on that note, I hope everyone has a happy christmas and gets their ‘stocking’ stuffed right and proper!

No Nonsense to Report

Today was so-so. Gym, work, home. Work is ok, have a trainee again this rotation so busy w/her. Only thing worth mentioning is my troubles w/bluetooth. As you know, I have the new laptop coming which is due to arrive later this week. Well with that comes a free USB Printer. Which of course means one more wire snaking under the desk.

I decided to invest in a bluetooth dongle to help alleviate some of the freakin’ wires. If I can convert the PDA cradle and the new printer to bluetooth that does away w/4 wires. I can’t wait for everything to go bluetooth or wifi. Anway, so I get home from work and I’m setting up the PDA to sync wirelessly. . . Of course, the darn thing doesn’t do what it is supposed to do. I end up playing with it for well over an hour before I get it working correctly. When the printer arrives, I’m sure that will be a new challenge.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bitching. I actually get a kick out of troubleshooting gadgets. I usually come away w/a much larger understanding of the inner workings. I just wish it didn’t pick the most inopportune times to happen. Now of course, none of the laundry is done. *G*

Ben Browder Joins Stargate SG1!

Yeah, I’m a scifi freak I know this. Anyway, I’m blogrolling and I discover from another rant that Ben Browder (the handsome hunk from Farscape) is joining the next season of Stargate SG-1! Of course, I clicked right over to scifi‘s website to verify if was true. Now how perfect is that I ask you? You take the best looking farm fed hunk since white bread and you add him to scifi‘s #1 series of all time. Wahooo! The season premiere is right after my birthday so I’m gonna be beside myself till then.

Ignunce Rears It’s Ugly Head

This is an old subject for me. However, it has just dawned on me, I’ve never really mentioned it on any of my rants here. I take the issue of religion and being gay to heart. I spent a large chunk of my adolescent life searching for a balance between what I thought were the teachings of the Almighty and my own conscience.

Today’s nonsense is courtesy of an interesting blog from Dunner. Dunner often offers some great insights into every day occurrences which is probably why I read his blog daily. But I digress, the topic stems from an old article posted at the LaCrosse Tribune in Wisconsin. Specifically, regarding a Ms. Peaslee’s ongoing rants about the do’s and don’ts of living a godly christian life. Or more specifically, Ms. Peaslees complete fascination with “homosexuals”. (At this point, I’d like to refer Ms. Peaslee to my good friend Betty Bowers, whom I’m told has a much more intimate connection to Jesus.)

I digress, the topic stems from an article posted by Ms. Peaslee condemning homosexuals. Now take into account, the articles are a bit old and apparently Ms. Peaslee doesn’t post many opinions these days. Anyway, after reading thru Ms. Peaslee’s ongoing rants a picture started to unfold. A picture of a lonely bitter shell of a woman, trapped by her empty and futile life, trying desperately to regain some modicum of control by lashing out at anything she fears or doesn’t understand. Ms. Peaslee’s undying conviction and righteousness is reminiscent of my own childhood. Not because I had any such convictions mind you. No, I was constantly surrounded by those claiming to be the mighty servants of the Almighty. Servants who, in reality, were tiny frail human beings desperately trying to shake their own feelings of inadequacy by attacking anyone who threatened to upset their delicate convictions. Of course, that includes gays/lesbians as well. Ya know, I’m amazed I survived childhood w/any sort of sanity left about me. I digress again, apologies. It’s really quite easy to turn the tables against such simpletons. My favorite, and most annoying choice is by using the very item that they hold most dear, the bible. When Jesus came, he told his followers, “the old law is dead to you [meaning the old testament], your new covenant is with me”. (For those of you not up on the bible. The Old Testament is where most of the supposed “condemnations” against gays are found.) Last time I checked scripture, Jesus taught love, acceptance, and tolerance of all. It always amazes me the power such a simple statement can have over the religious not-so-right. The other option tends to be a little more complex. You have to purchase or at least find an original translation of the bible. Keep in mind the bible was originally written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek. Once you start reviewing these so called “gay scriptures”, you find that very few actually refer to gays/lesbians and fewer still offer any sort of condemnation or “eternal fire” for the “abominations”. To this day, it still mystifies me how such a simple truth is so well hidden from the masses. And what annoys me, is that many of the religious “powers that be” have to know what they are teaching is a fallacy.

Ok, I’ve beat this holy horse to death. I’ve off my rocker now.


Not sure really what else to call it. And I was doing so well too….

I was completely overcome by a sense of loneliness tonight at dinner. Kind of odd for me as I’ve always been of the mindset; being alone does not necessarily mean being lonely. That said, this was distinctly loneliness. Loneliness in its raw and ugly power. I was mid way thru dinner at my favorite sushi joint in the Castro when it hit me. (The ex and I used to go there a lot.) I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t eaten there since the breakup, the holidays, or a little of both. I do know I was so overcome I had to go to the bathroom to calm myself. I was halfway into tears when the anger hit me. . .

Anger that I’ve let someone put me in the position of feeling this way. Anger that I’m making a fool of myself in public. Anger that I felt like a complete basket case if only for a few minutes. Anger that I am still capable of missing him after what he did to me. And yes anger over being angry.

And after anger came reason and sanity once again prevailed. I’m able to laugh now as I’ve managed to pulled myself together. My head knows its over. I just wish I could get my heart to fall in line. Maybe I should just admit to myself that I still have unresolved feelings about the breakup. Before I met the ex, I had reached a point in my life where I felt complete and whole. I wanted a partner but it had become a possible future instead of a goal in life. Fast forward to now, I’m having a hard time getting back to that place in my head. Damn it! Why can’t I be like Data from Star Trek. Just snap my emotions on/off on a whim? Why? Because, thats what its like to be human I guess. As sad as I get sometimes, I’m still able to remember that. And I think sometimes, thats the only thought that keeps me going. Hope springs eternal. . . .

IE Error – Fixed!

It drove me nuts until I fixed it, so I did. The blog should now display correctly in Internet Explorer. I guess there were some errors in nesting tags from the original template. (Meaning, I didn’t create the errors by adding my stuff to it, they were already there) While other browsers are apparently much more forgiving, IE is not. It has to be PERFECT. In the process, I learned a whole lot about style sheets. So not a bad trade off. I also brought back the navbar. I figure since blogger is letting me use this site for free, its the least I can do. *G*

The really good news is I now know enough about CSS (cascading style sheets) to do this on my own. I’ve already copied the flash files over to my own domain and updated the links. This way if the old site goes down or does away w/the template, I’m not screwed on my design. I also need to finish updating the old homepage. I still have bleed over links left in from the blog. I rarely give it out so its not priority #1 per say.

I guess you can say I’m a true geek. I kept waking up last night w/ideas on possible errors in the code. I literally had to force myself to sleep twice in the night. How scary is that? So long story cut short, I fixed the damn thing. Smitty will be so happy!

IE Display Faults

Ok, I don’t use Internet Explorer but I just discovered today at work that my blog is displaying incorrectly when using IE. I thought it might be the defaults on the text settings but that doesn’t work either. The odd part is that if I open the template and preview it, it shows fine. Yet when I reload the page it still shows a huge gap at the top of the page. Annoying to say the least.

Well, since I don’t use IE, I really don’t plan to spend a lot of effort trying to fix it. Apologies, to anyone in advance if it displays weird on your screens.

Blade – Trinity

In all of my rants yesterday, I was so excited about the new look of my blog, I totally forgot to bring up the fact that I watched Blade: Trinity. I have mixed feelings on the 3rd installment. It is by the same director but, he changed the format up a bit. Completely different soundtrack. Some good, some bad I thought. There was more action in this one for sure. Lots of vampires bite the blade, so to speak. *G* Lots of fight scenes but, the thinner plot combined w/the new soundtrack just didn’t pack the same punch in my opinion.

I’m sure my blogger buddy Smitty, will be in heaven as Dominic Purcell turns out a pretty decent performance as the #1 bad guy of all time, Dracula. He is a hottie, that ain’t no lie. I much prefer Ryan Reynolds myself. OY! Ok, Ok, back to the topic. I got alot out of the first two. The plots were decent enough to make us forget reality for a minute mixed w/a kick ass soundtrack that kept you going thru out the flick. Don’t get me wrong, part 3 is worth the 8 or 9 bucks but, don’t expect to come away awed by it.

Whole New Look – 2nd Edition

I have been a busy boy today. First, I decided since I liked the new blog template so much why not apply it to my old home page. It was horribly out-of-date. I am happy to report that the old site has a brand new look as well. I haven’t finished it yet so there are still a few links to the blog archives etc. I’ve always wanted my home page and my blog to blend better and I got my wish, finally. There was so much in the old template I didn’t understand I was afraid to breath while editing it sometimes. This one looks fancier, only because of the shockwave file on top. The rest is pretty basic. I say “basic” in the loosest of terms. It took me a couple of hours to figure out some of the CSS code. And there is some I still haven’t figured out yet.

Second, I was able to snatch up the mobius.name domain today. I’ve been trying to get one of the higher TLD’s (top level domains, ie. .com, .net, .org, etc) for years now w/no luck. I was ecstatic that I actually got it! (again, see afore mentioned comments about karma) It has put me in the best of moods. I’m feeling right proud of myself. *big grin*