
I’ve been neglecting the blog again. *shame shame*

Anyway, I’ve lost most of the holiday/accident fat weight I gained from October to February. I have about 10 pounds to go before I’m back to my normal threshold. I’m not pushing it hard as I simply don’t mind but it feels good to be looking svelte again. hehehe

I’m not quite back to my old max weights yet in the gym but getting closer. The shoulder is doing good and no latent pain. [1]A very good thing!  I’m taking the opportunity to expand my workouts. I worked out with Apple guy one day a while back and did legs. I don’t do leg weights often as I walk a lot. I wasn’t nearly as bad or weak as I expected. I couldn’t keep up with him but I did pretty well considering. Of course, my damn legs were so sore over the next 3 days I could bare walk. I almost fell down the stairs at work several times. lolol

Speaking of, I love my little workout app on the Android. Its called Workout Coach and does an excellent job of helping track my progress. Its not overly robust with pre-installed exercises but that’s a small price to pay for usability. It hasn’t been updated in a long time though. I’m ‘scurred’ the app owner has abandoned it. I’d gladly donate to keep him working on it.

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes via twitter, FB, loopt, etc on being back in the gym and on the bike! Its definitely helping my moods.


1 A very good thing!

Oh Yeah!

Today was the first day since the accident I worked out w/o any discomfort! The bone has been healed up for awhile now but the surrounding tissue(s) [1]ligament, tendons, muscle, nerves, etc have been taking their sweet ass time! Lol  I’ve actually been back in the gym, in a limited capacity, since the end of December. It’s been incredibly frustrating not being able to push myself like I’m accustomed to. But being a smart Moby, I have been taking it easy and gradually pushing myself w/o over doing it. So far, so good.

Not only did I not have any discomfort, I also did a full routine! [2]insert picture of me doing cartwheels here. Lol My muscles have that nice tight “pump” that comes from a good workout too. Hehehe  So, now begins the arduous task of building myself back up to previous levels. I also need to continue working off the extra poundage I picked up from not working out over the holidays. (I blame the cookies!)


In related news, the search for a new bike continues. I encountered some unexpected delays in getting the loan on my old bike cleared. I should have it all sorted this week hopefully. I MISS having a bike something fierce. I could handle the daily work commutes on MUNI. Every time I see a motorcycle now I get a sad feeling. *sigh* Time to stop dawdling and get on the ball.  Spring is fast approaching and I gotsta have some wheels to go riding with da gang!


1 ligament, tendons, muscle, nerves, etc
2 insert picture of me doing cartwheels here. Lol


I’m still having issues with my shoulders. I guess I tweaked’em more than I thought originally. I haven’t been to the gym in almost 3 weeks now and I’m chomping at the bit (so much for my 200lb goal, for now anyway). I can still feel twinges of annoyance from my shoulders when I raise my arms into certain positions over my head that involves pulling or pushing. With Apple guy here I doubt I’d have a decent gym schedule anyway so the timing is pretty good I guess.

The other upside is I’ll miss the influx of noob’s getting their NY’s resolution on. [1]for all of a month before they burn out  Whateva. I wish you mofo’s luck. If you want some advice, don’t overdo it, slow and steady is the key. And for the love of crackers, don’t hog the frackin’ benches while you’re talking on your phone. If you do, I can’t be held responsible for the trip to the ER to have said device removed from a random orifice on your body.


1 for all of a month before they burn out


Ugh! I think I’m getting old. [1]well my body is lolol  I’m realizing my 2001 parts aren’t as resilient as they used to be.

No sooner do I get back into a good solid gym routine after recovering from straining my shoulder and I manage to strain the other fracking shoulder! Its not a major injury mind you. I’ll probably have to lay off the heavy weights for only a week or two. I’m more annoyed than injured.

Fortunately, I still have all my original parts and everything still works. (knock on wood)  Truth be told, I’m in pretty good shape. I doubt I’ll ever be as ripped but that’s ok with me. I’ve slowly worked my way up the muscle chain over the years. Here I am a month away from being 39 and I’m 5 lbs [2]naked, true body weight is done in the buff bitches shy of breaking 200 lbs! And from someone who used to weigh 90 lbs soaking wet, that’s a big deal! Of course, some of that is fat weight but the ratio is very healthy and let’s face it, I like to eat. lol  And while such a goal could be accomplished in a shorter time frame, being healthy has always been my primary focus. The purdy muscles are just an added benefit.

Anyway, I’ve always wanted to hit 210lbs. I’m sure I’ll eventually hit it but patience has never been one of my better virtues. lol I’m actually looking at combining resistance and interval training together. Last time I did that, I really noticed a difference. Of course, that is AFTER the shoulder is all better again.


1 well my body is
2 naked, true body weight is done in the buff bitches

Rough & Tumble

This week has started off a bit rough.  I had another bout of insomnia Sunday night so didn’t fall asleep until almost 4 am.  Needless to say, I didn’t make it to the gym on Monday.  I was dead tired on my feet yesterday but a friend was in town from Denver and I really wanted to see him so ended up going out after work.  I didn’t stay out long though.  At one point, I was nodding off while he was talking to me! I came home and didn’t even turn on the computer.  I think I was asleep 5 mins after my head hit the pillow. 

I had a good workout today but it went a little long and I was almost late to work.  Didn’t get time to stop and pick up healthy food either.  Luckily, work had a St Paddy’s feed and we had plenty of fresh corned beef, cabbage, tators, and carrots.  YUM!  I feel like a big ole tick about now. 

So far, I’ve been handling the longer work schedule better than last time.  My gym schedule has suffered a bit over the last couple weeks but I’m trying to get back on track. [1]I was particularly lazy this past weekend, I didn’t go once  I tend to rebel mentally when I’m constantly on the go. I don’t like it and I find after a while I just get in a “I ain’t doing shit” sort of mood.  But, as TFA would say, it is what it is.  I just need to suck it up and get back on track.  I did both Chest & Tri’s today and pushed myself to finish.  I had to drop the last set but only due to time constraints. 


People have been asking about Beefy boy. I didn’t hear from him all week or over the weekend.  I got an email on FB yesterday.  He had to go back to Hawaii for personal reasons.  He says he’ll be back.  In this economy, I’m not so sure.


And while I can be forgiven for forgetting a get-together on Sunday, my behavior towards another guy this past weekend isn’t so easy to forgive.  I mentioned a few posts back, I “met” a guy recently who really wanted to go on a date.  He was fun and I figured it would be worthwhile.  Anyway, he emailed me a couple times last week trying to arrange some time together.  I replied I’d be interested.  However, the weekend arrived and I just totally didn’t feel like it.  Like a turd, I didn’t follow up.  Granted this was only a booty-call scenario and we hadn’t set anything definite, but I still feel like a schmuck.  I could have emailed or even picked up the phone.  I hate when guys flake on me so I definitely know better.  I got an email from him early yesterday.  He was a bit peeve’d, rightfully so.  I called him back but he was at work.  I called again later but he didn’t answer, I left a message.  I apologized for my behavior and explained a bit but the reasons don’t really matter.  I was a jerk, I own it.  If he doesn’t call me back, I’ll completely understand.  If the situation were reversed, I might not call him either. 

On the up-side, I have some fun time arranged with a regular buddy tonight.  Maybe it ill help get me out of my funk. 


1 I was particularly lazy this past weekend, I didn’t go once

Tuff Stuff

Well, the new shorter gym schedule seems to be working so far.  Keep in mind I’m only into my first week on the new shift.  The biggest hurdle for me is going to bed sooner.  Being a bit of a night owl, I tend to be awake for 2 or 3 hours after I get off work.   This does not make for being an early riser. heehee 

I had a nice triceps workout today.  I’ve been neglecting them lately so they are feeling extra sore at the moment.  My triceps always seem to respond really well so I’ll have them poppin’ in no time.  And considering the new tattoo rolls right across my right tricep, that be important! lol 


Things are not so rosy at work.  With the economy in the toilet, our dept [1]even though we still are below our staffing requirements is being asked to cut up to 25% of our budget.  While my dept. is immune to layoffs, it does not bode well.  We will probably have to give up days off as well as a cost of living raise scheduled for April.  The latter is particularly bitter as we already gave up raises for next year. 

All things considered, I’m happy to have a job. 


1 even though we still are below our staffing requirements

Tuff Stuff

Well, the new shorter gym schedule seems to be working so far.  Keep in mind I’m only into my first week on the new shift.  The biggest hurdle for me is going to bed sooner.  Being a bit of a night owl, I tend to be awake for 2 or 3 hours after I get off work.   This does not make for being an early riser. heehee 

I had a nice triceps workout today.  I’ve been neglecting them lately so they are feeling extra sore at the moment.  My triceps always seem to respond really well so I’ll have them poppin’ in no time.  And considering the new tattoo rolls right across my right tricep, that be important! lol 


Things are not so rosy at work.  With the economy in the toilet, our dept1 is being asked to cut up to 25% of our budget.  While my dept. is immune to layoffs, it does not bode well.  We will probably have to give up days off as well as a cost of living raise scheduled for April.  The latter is particularly bitter as we already gave up raises for next year. 

All things considered, I’m happy to have a job. 

  1. even though we still are below our staffing requirements

Changing Schedule

So in anticipation of my changing schedule, [1]It changes the weekend of the 10th. I’m already altering my gym routine.  The last time I was on a 4-10 shift, I really struggled to keep up with a consistent work-out schedule.  I’m hoping to prevent that this time around.  Instead of working muscle groups, I’ll work 1 primary muscle a day (along w/supporting muscles).  I’ll also increase the frequency of days in the gym to make up for the shorter workouts.  I’m hoping these two changes will help me cope with the lack of free time on work days.  *crossed fingers*

For all my setbacks this year, I have done a decent job of keeping to a consistent schedule.  The motorcycle accident set me way back but I managed to bounce back.  The one good thing from the accident is I managed to get myself into doing more cardio.  It has paid off as I’m a tad leaner than I’ve been in about 8 years. [2]Nothing major but I certainly don’t mind the 15 missing lbs

And for all my bitchin’, I am looking forward to the 3-day weekends again.  Especially, since I’ll have Fri/Sat/Sunday’s off.  It is a premium slot and I am grateful I could pull it.  I’m thinking Friday’s will by errand days.  Typical shit.  Lunches for the next week, chores around the house, beat off, blah blah blah…


1 It changes the weekend of the 10th.
2 Nothing major but I certainly don’t mind the 15 missing lbs

Random Pic

Da Omna Santis

Originally uploaded by ibod8x5

I’m fast becoming addicted to flickr. I swore off of it for quite some time however, the site is just so damn convenient it is too hard to say no. I regretted actually paying for a premium account but, being a control freak, the yearly $25.00 won’t kill me.

I decided I would randomly post pics from flickr just for shits and grins. I took this one a while back at the old Sutro baths here. I have no idea what the latin inscription means or even if it is real.

Scandal VS Stupid

I’m fond of saying, "you can’t cure stupid". I know, kind of mean but a fact of life nonetheless.

A whole slew of guys got busted for inappropriate behavior in the steam room at the gym today. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not passing judgment. [1]That would make me a total hypocrite mind you. But that is not about to stop me from pointing out the hilarity of the situation. Lord knows, I’ve been known to tinker around in there a time or two (or three). That said, how stupid do you have to be to do it while two of the gym employees are directly in front of the steam room working on the showers? It is called subtlety bitches! Seriously though, you have to walk thru the showers to even get to the steam room. And, it has a glass door.

Anyway, I head in after my workout (Cardio day, ugh!)) and it is packed. Literally, standing room only. At this point I’m wondering if I missed a holiday as it is almost never this busy in the late mornings. There is this rather odd couple [2]Don’t ask because God don’t like ugly. in the corner going at it. "Mmmmm-kay", I think to myself. I’m in the process of saying to myself, "surely no one else is stupid enough to do anything while the employees are right there…" when this older rather unattractive fellow moves so he can stand over the couple. You can guess what he was doing. Before you know it, 3 other guys are all crowded around going at it.

Now, daddy might have raised ugly but he sure as hell didn’t raise stupid. I just politely moved out of the way, tucked my head down, and counted. I made it to 30 before the manager and several members of the staff burst in and kicked 5 of the guys out. The other 4 or 5 bailed like a hooker in church. I just sat there giggling. Of course, knowing several of the employees, I found out the 5 also had their memberships suspended for 30 days. The couple apparently made a big stink about it.

I know I’m going to Hell for laughing but I was stunned by the stupidity displayed. I have no objections to the behavior as they were all adults and 99% of the guys in there are after the same thing. [3]And please save any self-righteous comments. I’m a grown man and take responsibility for my actions. However, a word to the wise boys. When you go into a public place looking for sex and you get busted, don’t feign surprise and anger over it. Just tuck your tail between your legs, accept your licks, and move on.

‘nuf said.


1 That would make me a total hypocrite mind you.
2 Don’t ask because God don’t like ugly.
3 And please save any self-righteous comments. I’m a grown man and take responsibility for my actions.