Tragedy of Childhood

** I copied this story from an old webpage and I’ve condensed it way down for clarity/simplicity. Even still, its a bit lengthy so you might wanna grab a cup of ‘joe’**

First let me say as tragic as my childhood was w/my foster family it could have been a lot worse. Kinda hard to believe but I’m digressing….

Birth – 1yr:
I was born in the early 1970’s to the not-so-proud parents of Wanda Clem & Roy Seymoure. My mother met my father while he was in the service and after he was discharged they married. I was the 2nd sibling at the time and an unwanted/unexpected pregnancy. My mother & father were hard core drug users before, during, and after her pregnancy. I was born 2 months premature and addicted to several drugs. I spent the first 9 months of my life in a hospital surrounded my machines and strangers. By some miracle, my mother managed to get me home. I’m sure the laws then were much laxer in relation to child/drug abuse. You’d think the issue w/my hospitalization would have been a wakeup call to my parents. Nope! My parents continued their drug habits. I would be left alone in an empty closet or an open dresser drawer for hours sometimes days at a time w/nothing but a pillow and bottle. When CPS (Child Protective Services) found me, I had a diaper rash from my neck to ankles. I was returned to the hospital for 2 months for severe dehydration and related ailments along w/multiple contusions/bruises all over my body. This time I was not returned to my parents. As luck would have it, my real mothers best friend, told my foster mom/dad about me. My foster mother told me once, she took one look at me and fell in love. My adoption was just a matter of formality after that. So I went from being the unwanted son of Mr/Mrs. Drug Heads to the first and only adopted child of Mr/Mrs White Trash Family Robinson. (yes, I’m poking fun here)
Continue reading Tragedy of Childhood

Talking during the movie!

Ok, here is my rant for today. I’m just home from watching Hero and what a great movie. If you like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, you’ll love this one. The cinematography was flawless and the plot kept twisting back and forth. You didn’t really know how it was gonna end until it did.

Anyway, about a third of the way thru the movie, these two biddies come in and sit down two seats over from me. They proceed to have a conversation all the way thru the movie. Not wanting to be disrespectful, I finally got up and moved. You’d think that would have been a signal right? NOOOOOOO They got louder! Another 10mins go by and I give a polite but unmistakable “ssssh!”. Did that work? NOOOOOO. So finally, during a crescendo of their carcophony, I stood up and said, “Would you two mind shutting up so the rest of us can HEAR the movie?” I shit you not, people started clapping. I guess I wasn’t the only one being annoyed. The pathetic part is the theatre wasn’t even that full. Its Wednesday at the 4:30pm showing.

The only thing worse than a cellphone ringing during a movie is chatty cathy and sister sally gabbing. What happened to being respectful of others? If you wanna have good conversation, go to a coffee house and bleat till your lips fall off. Don’t do it in the middle of a movie. Ok, I feel better now.

Folsom St Fair 2004

OY! I’m just home from the fair and I’m exhausted. It has been a LONG weekend. That said its been fun. I typically enjoy Up Your Alley fair more because its much smaller and people seem to interact alot more. However, this year I met quite a few people from all over and a good time was had by all. The bf is still there as he had to work a booth. (sucker!) So I’m off to nap and replenish some of my lost energies. Pictures forthcoming this week.

Vacation time!

Morning all… Its the first day of my 9 day vacation and I must say I’m thrilled to be off. Work has become a real drag lately. I just don’t seem to have the tolerance lately that I normally have. So I think this 9 days will go a long way to helping me purge all the negative energy from my system. Not too much planned. Folsom St Fair is this weekend and next weekend is the Castro St Fair so I have plenty to keep me busy. It also gives me more time to focus on my workouts. I’ve realy made some strides this year and I’m hoping to reach my goals by year end.

No, I haven’t won the lotto yet but, I keep trying. (G) A few people emailed me instead of posting on my last blog. Who knew winning the lotto was such a sensative subject. Oh well.

I seem to be rambling this morning….*looking for my focus in the background.* Oh well, can’t seem to find it so I guess you’ll just have to settle for my ramblings today. OH! and speaking of rambling, have you seen Dubbya’s latest speech? Talk about a moron, sheeez! He can’t ge thru a single speech w/o miss speaking or giving people the image as America the Ignunt! As bugs bunny always says…What a maroon!

Ok ok, I’m off my horse…thats all for now.

What would I do if I won the lotto

Ya know, my partner and I joke around a lot about what we’d do if we won the lotto. Today, I was thinking what would I really do if I won? The obvious, I’d pay off all my debt, my partners, and most of my closets friends. I’d buy a house or two in key places in the US that I like to visit. Then what? The next obvious…I’d give loads away to charity. (Notice the order that charity comes in) Its my blog so gotta be honest right? The more I thought about it, I seem to come up w/more things I wouldn’t do.

I wouldn’t buy a mansion or a house that would require more than 2 people to clean it. On that same note, I wouldn’t buy a house so big that I’d have to isolate myself from my neighbors. I wouldn’t buy more than 2 cars. I mean, how many cars does one really need? I’d probably settle on a hybrid truck and a nice sports car.

I wouldn’t try to go to every who’s who event in town. I’m just not that type of person. I’m very outgoing, spontaneous, and definitely know how to work a room. That said, I do it for pure interaction not so I can be seen.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is I wouldn’t change my life so much that I no longer connected with the world around me. Our interaction w/others is what teaches us and keeps us human. Call me silly, but thats what I’d do….