

Well, the holiday season is upon us. The pic is a shot of me being silly at the work holiday party. I was a little apprehensive as I didn’t really know what to expect. Actually, it was loads of fun watching my co-workers get shit-faced. It was at a bar up in North beach, which is total straights-ville. (Now you see my apprehension. lol)  And true to form, there was only 1 other gay co-worker in attendance. He was smart enough to bring a mini-group of his own friends. I should have dragged (read ‘tortured’) several of my own brood into the mix. Now that would have been a show!

I don’t socialize with my co-workers a lot so it was an interesting experience. Some, I had pegged dead on and others really surprised me. Its amazing how some people change personalities after you pour a little liquor in’em. Me, I’m pretty much the same rambunctious flirty homo as I am sober. The only difference is I tend to be a little more rambunctious and a little more flirty. No surprise there. I’ve never booze (or anything else) to loosen up.  Anyway, I ended up having a good time. The place was full of off-duty cops and I took turns with several co-workers taking bets on who would hook-up with whom. heehee

Beyond that, I don’t really seem to be in the holiday mood this year. I didn’t even put up a tree. I’m not sad or depressed or anything like that. The mood just hasn’t really hit me this year. Normally, i get excited when I start decorating and doing cards. Speaking of, I got the cards out at a decent time this year, btw. No disasters other than getting glared at by the post office clerk for purchasing 50+ one-cent stamps. I glared right back at her. lol

The new roomie has been gone for weeks with his new romantic interest and apple guy is still 2000 miles away so it was just me [1]He is coming up for xmas weekend though.. I guess I didn’t really see the point of doing all the decorations just so I can sit and stare at’em for 2 weeks and the take’em down. Ba-humbug right? lol

Oh well, I may not be all gaga for the holiday but I am still grateful. I’ve made a lot of friends over the years and they of course reach out to me on xmas via cards, calls, and texts. That to me is the best part of the holiday.


1 He is coming up for xmas weekend though.


My wish for Christmas this year is a simple one. I wish that all the misguided, ignorant, greedy, hate-mongering people in this country would wake up and realize the error of their ways and how truly heinous they have become.

I know, I know, pigs would sooner fly out of my butt. Its still a nice thought.

Oh and a purdy navy blue scarf.

The end.


Well, its that time again. What the hell am I thankful for in my life?

I am thankful I have a roof over my head, food on my table, and a job to keep the first two. I am grateful for friends who enrich my life with their support and camaraderie. I am grateful to have met someone who never ceases to make me laugh. I’m grateful for relatively good health and mind. (The latter is debatable. lol)

I know for many, this is going to be a very rough holiday season. With unemployment at record numbers, two wars still going on overseas, and an economy that’s limping along, many won’t be able to boast such comforts this season. Don’t forget those around you. Offer a helping hand, if you can. Sometimes a little can go a long way.

So to all of you out there, I’m wishing you a safe, warm, and happy holiday season.

Post Holiday

Another year of Folsom has come and gone. There was some good and bad.

My friend Trevan came up for an extended weekend. We hadn’t seen each other in over a year but as always, it was if we had just seen each other yesterday. We fall into old habits and patterns w/o any effort. It was good to see him.

Saturday night we went to Blowoff instead of the more widely known Magnitude party. Frankly, I find the latter a bit boring. In a city were sexual contact can be moments away, it has really never held that much appeal for me. Blowoff on the other hand was quite fun. Its house style music but with an 80’s/90’s twist. In other words, a really good beat with the tracks to older songs blended into the background. The crowds tend to be guys in their 30-40’s and hairy. heh heh. Trev and I danced from 10:30 until 1:30 before deciding to call it a night. It has been ages since I’ve danced the night away in a bar. Granted, it shouldn’t be a habit but I had forgotten how much I love to dance.

Sunday was the fair. I felt like a bit of a party-pooper because I was over it within the first hour. It was just too damn busy. We stayed all of 2 hours before calling it quits. It took that long just to worm our way from one end to the other. We ended up in the ‘hood hanging out at Moby’s (the bar).

Sunday night we did the Real Bad party. They scaled back on ticket sales this year so it was much more tolerable and easy to move around. Basically, it was crowded w/o being a total mess. Trev and I hung out for a bit socializing before worming our way onto a speaker. [1]Not for the reason you think. Being on the speaker gave us room to dance w/o being crowded or constantly bumped in to. heh heh We spent the next 3 hours dancing our ass off.

The bad news is my roomie’s ex-partner was in a really bad accident on Friday. He suffered several broken bones. The roomie got to spend his weekend at the hospital. I felt bad for him. I know he didn’t mind giving up his weekend but I still felt so sorry for him.

In other news, I…um…uh…um…well, I sorta met someone. heh heh I’m keeping a lid on things for now as every time I blab it all here, I seem to jinx it. lol.  I will say he is an apple fan [2]let the war begin and a gamer. We are off to a good start. :p


1 Not for the reason you think. Being on the speaker gave us room to dance w/o being crowded or constantly bumped in to. heh heh
2 let the war begin


Another Dore Alley [1]Its officially called Up Your Alley now but locals still refer to it by its original name. fair has come to a close. Everyone I talked to thought this year’s fair was a bit subdued. A quick scan of Facebook and Twitter afterwards revealed an over all consensus. For my part, I agree but it made it more enjoyable for me.

As ho hum as I was feeling earlier, I did have a good time. I even stayed beyond my normal 2 hour limit. I ended up hanging out with Chris aka @Wildcuddler from twitter and his friends @bucknsj and @puppychow79. Even better, they are both on twitter so now I get to stalk them. heehee. Seriously though, they were both very nice and made such an adorable couple. We were also joined by a tag-tail. [2]someone who attaches themselves to you or your group in the hopes of hooking up. *g* but even he was sweet and I rather liked having him along.

The event itself was a bit smaller this year. And while it did get crowded, it was so nice not being jam-packed in wall-to-wall bodies with barely enough room to breath. It might sound hot but after about 15 minutes of it, you get rather annoyed. Normally, I can go the whole circuit twice and be lucky if I run into 5 people I know. Not so this time. I ran into a whole slew of friends (and bloggers) in the span of about an hour. I ran into roblog and his hot husband entering the gates. Shortly beyond that I ran into Victor from V-hold and his scruffy hubby and then Wade from beyondbuffalo. There was @repete from twitter and his hubby, several random tricks from years past and even a co-worker. lol It was a whole stream of walk, stop, flirt, chat, flirt some more, then continue on your way. I even saw my ex. I ran into my flickr buddy Andy, who I totally have the hots for. His smile is even more endearing in person. Such a sweetie he was. I could go on and on but you know I am not a name-dropper …  heh heh

There was plenty of the obvious. A grope here, a smile there, a quick chest or butt rub followed by grunts and groans.  Oh yes, it wouldn’t be Dore w/o the blatant sexual innuendo and aggression. There was one beefy guy wearing ass-less chaps that I would have followed around like a puppy had he already not had a hubby in tow. Bastard. lol

**Interjection – I’m sitting at Firewood in the hood as I write this and I’m sitting next to a group of guys who are whining about not being part of the ‘pretty crowd’ yet they can’t stop talking about all the ‘hot’ guys they saw. I’m half tempted to lean over and point out the stupidity of their conversation. Its one thing to not go and ridicule but its another thing entirely to go and then whine about it because you weren’t the center of attention. And that’s forgetting for a moment that ‘pretty’ is a subjective term at best and two, if you’ve ever been to Dore or Folsom, you know the mix of guys is amazing. You see everything; freaks, cock, boobs, piss, average, bears, muscle, hair, smooth, porn, drag, leather, sex, etc. Oh did I mention porn? [3]That said, there seemed to be fewer porn boys out and about this year as well. It runs the entire gambit so going and then whining about not being ‘included’ just annoys me to no end. /rant **

Ok back on topic, sort of. I was particular struck this year by how pervasive our technology has become in our everyday lives. For my own part, I was twittering and texting at down times throughout the day. Of course, I had to stay in contact with the boy. Then there was the moto group, coworkers inquiring if my ass was hanging out, and random tweets and FB updates. I had 3 different random strangers stop me to tell me they read my blog, which tickled me to no end. (Eddy, Derrick, Paul, I told you I’d mention you!) I also met several folks who met thru the various online social sites. One might say, it was a cornucopia of interconnected web-addicts all decked out in leather, lace, and gear!

All said, it was a good event. Fun, frolic, and friends all at one time. What’s not to like? [4]Oh, there will be a forthcoming ‘post’ in a few days about other activities, so you know what to do. It was a nice end to my rather uneventful but extremely well-timed vacation as I go back to work tomorrow. I’m back on my new (old) shift which I’m very excited about.

And how was your weekend?


1 Its officially called Up Your Alley now but locals still refer to it by its original name.
2 someone who attaches themselves to you or your group in the hopes of hooking up. *g*
3 That said, there seemed to be fewer porn boys out and about this year as well.
4 Oh, there will be a forthcoming ‘post’ in a few days about other activities, so you know what to do.


…my new years resolutions.  I managed to handle most of last years list.   Well, I STILL haven’t gotten braces.  UGH.  It will be on the list again this year.  I’m such a procrastinator.  lol  

I did lean up a bit.  I’m not ripped by any means but, I’m lighter now than I’ve been in years.  Granted it is only about 15 or so pounds but I’ll take it. lol  Actually, the accident really helped as I could only do cardio for awhile so I got accustomed to doing it.  I find I skip it less now. 

The debt is half and half.  All the high-interest stuff is completely gone.   That is good.  I’m down to 3 credit cards and my debit card.  All of which are manageable.  The accident back in August forced [1]not that I was complaining. heehee me to incur a significant hit in purchasing a shiny new motorcycle.  Still, things are ok there.  I am extremely grateful I have a job in this ever toughening economy.  For the most part, I live within my means.  While I have a weakness for good food, I don’t spend extravagantly. [2]well except on gadgets  I still have a heavy hit coming soon.  The land my dad left me (and my brothers) is going to cost to be separated, surveyed, deeded, etc.  I’ll probably have to absorb my little brothers part as he is in no condition to pay for it.  It sucks, but necessary.  Anyway, I’ll probably keep this on the list this year as well.

The tattoo(s) I’m clearly working on.  I’m extremely happy with the work I’ve had done so far.  I’m sure 2009 will see at least 1 or 2 more.  I’m not interested in turning my body into a canvas so won’t go far beyond that. 

Last but not least is my paramedic training.  The hurdles left are significant so not sure on this one.  With the economy and the City cutting back more and more the opportunity to go part time at work while I go to school is not looking good.  Disappointing but not the end of the world.  Having a job right now is enough in itself. 

So now I’m back to pondering this years resolutions.  What are YOU pondering?


1 not that I was complaining. heehee
2 well except on gadgets


…my new years resolutions.  I managed to handle most of last years list.   Well, I STILL haven’t gotten braces.  UGH.  It will be on the list again this year.  I’m such a procrastinator.  lol  

I did lean up a bit.  I’m not ripped by any means but, I’m lighter now than I’ve been in years.  Granted it is only about 15 or so pounds but I’ll take it. lol  Actually, the accident really helped as I could only do cardio for awhile so I got accustomed to doing it.  I find I skip it less now. 

The debt is half and half.  All the high-interest stuff is completely gone.   That is good.  I’m down to 3 credit cards and my debit card.  All of which are manageable.  The accident back in August forced1 me to incur a significant hit in purchasing a shiny new motorcycle.  Still, things are ok there.  I am extremely grateful I have a job in this ever toughening economy.  For the most part, I live within my means.  While I have a weakness for good food, I don’t spend extravagantly.2  I still have a heavy hit coming soon.  The land my dad left me (and my brothers) is going to cost to be separated, surveyed, deeded, etc.  I’ll probably have to absorb my little brothers part as he is in no condition to pay for it.  It sucks, but necessary.  Anyway, I’ll probably keep this on the list this year as well.

The tattoo(s) I’m clearly working on.  I’m extremely happy with the work I’ve had done so far.  I’m sure 2009 will see at least 1 or 2 more.  I’m not interested in turning my body into a canvas so won’t go far beyond that. 

Last but not least is my paramedic training.  The hurdles left are significant so not sure on this one.  With the economy and the City cutting back more and more the opportunity to go part time at work while I go to school is not looking good.  Disappointing but not the end of the world.  Having a job right now is enough in itself. 

So now I’m back to pondering this years resolutions.  What are YOU pondering?

  1. not that I was complaining. heehee
  2. well except on gadgets


I’m hoping everyone had a good Christmas today.  Or, happy holiday, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or whatever floats your boat.  Be grateful you are alive and have a roof over your head.  For many this year, things are a bit blue with the economy so bad.  And while there is obviously hope for the future, it is hard to be optimistic when you aren’t sure where you next meal might come from.  If you are reading this, I’m sending you well wishes and warm fuzzy feelings. 

My roomies idea, I swear!

Beyond a very peculiar occurrence yesterday morning it was a pretty uneventful day.  The day started with a flurry of text messages from friends and family exchanging holiday wishes.  Knowing the gym was closed, I laid my ass in bed until the desire for food finally forced me outdoors. 

While I’m walking down to the ‘hood to get some grub, I did have a very odd experience.  I’m crossing at the crosswalk when a giant suburban pulls up, the guy whistles and asks directions to the nearest hospital.  Being a typical control freak, I couldn’t just answer. lol  I asked what the emergency was as it might change his destination. [1]Pediatrics, cardiac, burns, blah blah blah…  He seemed very reticent so I volunteered that I was an EMT.  At that point, his face beamed and he spilled his guts in a flurry of parental worry.  It seems his 20 year old daughter (sitting in the back) was experiencing…wait for it…wait for it….are you ready…anal bleeding.  OH yes, you read it right.  I admit I was a little surprised.  Of course, I had very negative thoughts but seeing his whole family piled in with him and no signs of emotional distress, any ideas of foul play quickly evaporated.  I spoke to the young lady and discussed the problem.  She was more embarrassed than anything, not that I blame her.  Anyway, after some questions and more assurances, I was confident she wasn’t in immediate danger and directed them on their way.  I walked away almost laughing at the oddity of the situation.  Seriously, what are the odds?  I was still giggling as I woofed down my lunch and headed back home to get ready for work.

And how was your holiday?


1 Pediatrics, cardiac, burns, blah blah blah…

Ok, I Admit It…

…I haven’t been reading my blogroll.  I’m sorry, really I am.  I finally just cleared “clear all” in my RSS reader.  I know, I know, shame on me for letting my life get in the way of blogging.  In my defense, I have been rather busy.  I mean with the new bike, new xbox games, gym, sex, and work, who has time to blog? 

Anyway, the roomie is out of town for the holiday(s) till the first of the month.  I’d never admit it to him but I miss him already.  He is a good roomie and for all his drama, a good friend.  He is stopping off in Louisiana to see his ex-bf so I’m sure he’ll have all new tales of drama upon his return.

Speaking of the holidays, I gave most of my holiday fund to the NoOn8 and NoOnH8 campaigns.  However, I finally got the refund check for my old bike.  And in even better news, it was $500 more than I expected!  One might say it was karma…I’m just sayin’. [1]Does anyone else hate that phrase?  I know I should put it toward my credit cards but why pay now when I can pay later?  lol  Ok, I am putting some of it toward the cards.

Having already given away a lot, I’m not spending much on the holidays this year.  The last couple of years I’ve spent quite a bit.  I’ve already purchased most of the gifts for friends/family.  Other than Christmas cards, I’m about 70% done.  Oh, and if you want a card from me and I don’t have your addy, email me your info. 

My present to myself this year is a new tattoo(s).  I’m starting a half sleeve on my upper right arm.  I’ll also eventually be getting one on my inner left forearm.  Anyhoo, I’m finally going this weekend to start’em.  I’m so excited I’m giddy! lol  With the bike refund finally coming in, I’m all caught up from the accident.  I am still undecided between 2 different designs.  I’m gonna basically throw both of’em out there and see which one the artist improves on.  Both have a missing component I need help with.  If anyone has any tips or ideas on the actual process, feel free to chime in. 


1 Does anyone else hate that phrase?